Alpha-Beta-Omega: one take on Touched

Mar 12, 2013 19:07

I took a last-minute date at Big Damn Fest, which is celebrating different episodes of the Jossverse. I wanted to write fic (duh), but also explore the alpha-beta-omega trope. Partly for a challenge, but also because it didn't really take off in Buffyverse but has become *really* popular elsewhere. Which is intriguing ( Read more... )

trope bingo

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Comments 16

shapinglight March 12 2013, 21:44:11 UTC
I don't really understand the trope, must admit (taken aback that people talk about it openly instead of just being it) but the ficlets are intriguing, and the character voices are great, as always.


brutti_ma_buoni March 13 2013, 16:41:25 UTC
It tends to be referred to as one does being a man or a woman. that's pretty often, but this ficlet version probably exaggerates the tendency.


somebraveapollo March 12 2013, 22:19:02 UTC
Wow, this is my IDEAL a/b/o setup. I mean, a/b/o itself is interesting, but I particularly LOVE it when it gets combined with gender. And, Slayers as the only alpha females, oh yes, yes.

I loved your take on Touched - Faith/Robin especially - and then Spike choosing to submit to Buffy despite all that superhuman biology dictates. So lovely.


somebraveapollo March 13 2013, 10:52:02 UTC
Also, two questions (because I'm obsessing about this a little bit)

1. Vampires of both genders often become alphas on being sired (not invariably) --- so, Slayers aren't the only female alphas but they're the only human female alphas?

2. Did Oz become an alpha upon werewolfing? Because Oz/Willow as an alpha/omega couple is BLOWING. MY. MIND.


brutti_ma_buoni March 13 2013, 16:43:56 UTC
Yes! So glad you're interested. I find it interesting to world build for this. And yes, female vampires are alphas; which is probably where shadow men got the idea for the Slayer. And yes, Oz changed after the bite, I think. See the trope subverting opportunities!


snogged March 12 2013, 22:27:44 UTC
I really don't understand the trope, but I thought the story was interesting!


brutti_ma_buoni March 13 2013, 16:44:59 UTC
thanks for reading!


zanthinegirl March 13 2013, 01:29:14 UTC
I freely admit it: I don't really get the whole A/B/O thing. But very cute stories. I'm always a fan of Spike & Andrew!


brutti_ma_buoni March 13 2013, 16:45:40 UTC
thanks for reading!


pssnfrt_ksss March 13 2013, 06:46:13 UTC
I was hesitant to read this, as a/b/o usually squicks me in a way that few things do, but I gave it a try and I really liked it. You handled it beautifully, using it to explain so many of the complicated power dynamics that were going on at this point in BtVS. Kudos :)


brutti_ma_buoni March 13 2013, 16:46:40 UTC
thank you! I think it maps in an interesting way, and a supernatural element feels less squicky to me than random biology somehow.


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