Top Hat, Chapter 5: Simply Mad

Jan 01, 2010 19:36

Chapter 4: Secondhand is here

please read/review! p.s. sorry... it's angsty. won't last long though!


No matter how hard he tried, Hatter couldn’t sleep. He was worried about Alice. After a week in her world, he was still entirely dependant on her. He wanted to be able to pay for things and take care of her, not the ( Read more... )

hatter, alice, syfy

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Comments 10

sucrosesanction January 2 2010, 03:06:01 UTC
Yay me! Thank you. Hatter will come back, I know he will.

Also, loved the "I miss Jack" moment. ♥


brunette89 January 2 2010, 03:14:43 UTC
You're welcome. You're right, he will. a little predictable? lol :)


sucrosesanction January 2 2010, 03:24:13 UTC
It's a good thing sometimes not to be a heartbreaker, but instead to be the heart.


brunette89 January 2 2010, 03:26:32 UTC
I agree. as long as that heart isn't Jack... ;)


selivia_wanders January 2 2010, 14:18:55 UTC
Aw... their first fight. And Carol's kinda crazy haha. I love how you're not just letting them breeze through everything without a single chance of rain so to speak. And the fact that he walked away so she could think over what exactly she said was just spectacular. Much better for a mental visual than the fight just escalating into a screaming match. Can't wait for the next update, keep at it hun!


brunette89 January 2 2010, 16:04:30 UTC
Thank you very much!


jazzrose343 January 5 2010, 23:10:07 UTC
“And how do you know what makes me happy?” Alice asked and Hatter felt like she’d slapped him. Last night she had told him the HE made her happy..

it's good that you are not making everything easy for them. It adds a little realism that realy works.


brunette89 January 5 2010, 23:29:28 UTC
Thanks, as much as I love fluff, nobody has a completely conflict-free relationship. :)


Oh, felt that one, too. still_starling January 13 2010, 15:14:08 UTC
Whether you're 20 or almost 30, having an intense relationship with a controlling parent -- especially mother-and-daughter -- is always quite the minefield. I appreciate the way you explained Carol's overly dismissive behaviour by her not having to worry about just how Alice and Hatter's relationship progressed. Very realistic ( ... )


klcthebookworm January 27 2010, 17:17:20 UTC
Ah, a fight that needed to happen, for Carol and Alice. Poor Hatter must feel awful.


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