The Oh-Fuck Orgy!

Mar 19, 2008 11:54

A late filing from the field into the Tuesday Wednesday Walk of Shame archives ( Read more... )

work, haha, Pulling a Zoë, people are stupid, suck

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Comments 4

cashbox March 19 2008, 17:07:10 UTC
would it be overly presumptuous to just make tomorrow's page 4 a giant want ad for a new press operator?


bratenfrau March 19 2008, 17:49:59 UTC
HAHAHA. And insert the printer's address to send resumés?? I'm going to have to suggest that to the press supervisor.


cashbox March 19 2008, 18:13:52 UTC
PERFECT. that's a silver lining if ever there was one. :)


lilysnowflower March 20 2008, 15:55:52 UTC
Talk about a hot mess. My heart would have dropped into my stomach! Thank the Pink Unicorn that it can't be traced back to you! Still, I can imagine the fallout won't be fun to witness.


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