theres something i should have told you..

Jan 25, 2006 16:03

2 days
6 hours
4 essays
1 regents
Thank GOD thats over. I feel bad for anyone with add. How they ever got through it is beyond my knowledge. But actually the amount of time they give you is pretty good for writing the essays.

Mid terms you can all die.
The worst isn't even over.
The only good part is sleeping in and enjoying a lovely breakfast made by ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

xgolightly January 25 2006, 22:11:57 UTC


br0kentrustxo January 25 2006, 22:13:10 UTC
ahaha actualllyyy over the summer i sometimes do .. but theres just so many "THERES A 99% CHANCE THAT HES HER BABIES DADDY" with like hicks with no teeth i can watch hahah.
weee are going to be rockinnn.


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