He hosted The Hunger television series...and starred in one episode as a tortured artist. The show wasn't my cup of tea, but his bits were brilliant. ;) I believe it was on the set of The Hunger (tv series) where his son, Duncan Jones, was visiting him and decided to go into film.
Like everyone else said, the show itself wasn't all that great. The best parts of it was when Mr. Bowie would do the intro and outro to it. The only good episodes were "Sanctuary" (which was the one episode that Mr. Bowie was in from start to finish), and "Week Woman," an interesting episode where a woman changed from week to week (remind you of anyone?).
I have to agree. But it's British/Canadian tv series, I believe the Canadians can be held partially accountable for the show being rather offbeat. (A quality I actually like about it). But I think having Terence and David added something special to it. If it was more Canadians (I am one) then I'd probably be less interested in watching it. It'd be like having a chocolate chip cookie without the chips.
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