brief thoughts on 'the good wife'

May 09, 2012 23:41

In my search for shows that do justice to female characters and their narratives and agency, I've had The Good Wife recced to me a few times. I started watching the show in Tasmania, since Ma's keen on it, so mother and I watched it with her- and we actually really enjoyed it! The plot was clever and engaging, lots of twists and turns, compelling ( Read more... )

gillian anderson, once upon a time, the good wife

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Comments 19

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borg_princess May 15 2012, 10:11:21 UTC

I'm seriously super excited for the A+ concept and amazing cast!


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borg_princess May 16 2012, 03:43:54 UTC
I am shipping it already- PLEASE DO NOT LET ME DOWN, SHOW. I would be okay with them getting physical in a fight, y'know? I'm not expecting sexytiems- would prob be disappointed with that, 'coz I don't see it possible given their characters- but just...some UST and eyesex and love/hate vibe would be good! (I ship so many law enforcement/criminal pairings, lol)


aliasagent May 9 2012, 14:37:38 UTC
I really like Alicia but I think the reason why I like her so much is that even though the show tries to downplay it, she is really flawed. Like how she feels threatened by Caitlin for no apparent reason. Alicia isn't necessarily a nice character and I think her very dubious behaviour with Caitlin, I think shows that she isn't this saintly character and actually, a lot of the characters on the show might be putting too much stock in her or actually think too highly of her. I also think that the Caitlin storyline was supposed to go on for a lot longer but because the actress got a pilot picked up, she had to get out of the show and therefore the whole Caitlin thing was also left largely unresolved ( ... )


borg_princess May 22 2012, 13:48:53 UTC
Sorry for not getting back for so long!

even though the show tries to downplay it, she is really flawed

I just don't like the show downplaying it, if they owned her flaws, it'd be easier for me to like her.

Like how she feels threatened by Caitlin for no apparent reason

I thought this was realistic, but it was problematic to me how the show went to great lengths to validate Alicia, despite her being a terrible mentor. :/

a lot of the characters on the show might be putting too much stock in her or actually think too highly of her

I like that they did show a bit of that in the latest ep here where Alicia used another law firm's interest in her to maneuver Diane into giving her a bigger raise- but that just pissed me off because Diane has been SO GOOD to her, first of all, having her back all the time, then giving her a raise at all, but no, Alicia has to threaten to quit and do all these psychological mindgames to force Diane's hand? That woman took on all these people just to make it possible for Alicia to buy her house, and it ( ... )


issuegirls May 9 2012, 16:31:05 UTC
Okay, I don't have much to say because I don't watch The Good Wife, but hah, I totally read the title in your final vid as being 'Noodle Day' and then I got really excited, because I love noodles! (I practically live on them, tbh.)

Noooooodles! :D!


borg_princess May 15 2012, 10:13:27 UTC
Aww, sorry to disappoint you! I would totally post that video if it existed, I love noodles! Are you talking the cheap, like, Maggi noodles or...? I don't eat them much anymore (lol, the irony, when I lived at home, I ate noodles and bread, super cheap food, now that I'm on my own, my mother and grandmother like to cook me food or mama buys me frozen meals from the supermarket so I rarely get to eat cheap crap!)



revengent May 9 2012, 16:47:08 UTC
I'm glad you liked the show! Though, I've never looked at the character Alicia in that way, so thanks for enlightening me! :) I've liked her from the beginning because the things she had to face with her husband's adultery, as my ~father cheated on my mom. Even though she appeared to "stay by her husband's side" she has not gone back to him (except for that one time *facepalm* ... *facepalms again*). I don't know if you've seen the episode (I think so, it was kind of early in season 3 I think?), when Alicia sits down her kids and tells them that she loves them but she just can't be with their dad - my mother did something similar with me. /ramble

But I LOVE Cary. So much. And I'm not ashamed to admit I ship Cary/Alicia lol.


borg_princess May 15 2012, 10:31:53 UTC
I didn't want to hate on her or bring you down...I'm glad it didn't bug you too much! I just have too much of a knee-jerk reaction to Protagonist-Centered Morality that storylines that treat main characters with kid gloves instead of being real/acknowledging their faults really irk me and it colors my pov from then on. It's just this insidious feeling of meh that keeps me from appreciating the more positive aspects to that character ( ... )


aprilvolition May 9 2012, 20:59:27 UTC
I don't watch Good Wife. I love Julianna Margulies, but the show just never caught my interest.

I'm totally excited for The Fall, though! From the summary it sounds very cool. IMDB didn't have a release/air date for it (aside from the 2012), have you come across any? I could be blind : / AND GILLIAN! I'm kind of obsessing at the moment.


borg_princess May 15 2012, 10:59:07 UTC
She's a talented actress and very pretty, but I'm not generally into law shows and not with goody-goody leads either.

I'm watching for the other characters- Kalinda is AMAZING, I love that we have a female POC bisexual (from what I gather) who is highly respected by her colleagues for her intelligence and sneakiness, she always has the upper hand, she's always playing an angle and just when you think she's been out-maneuevered or won over to another side, BAM, she plays her ace and decimates her opponent and it is WONDROUS. I love her quiet strength, she's such a powerful character but doesn't need to be all OTT or ~fiery~ to show it.

Unforch, I haven't seen any release dates. I really wanna know when it comes out, damn it! This premise seems right up my alley, I'm predisposed to love it already! Especially when it has GILLIAN as a DETECTIVE! (although I'm lol'ing at the description of her 'being parachuted' in, wtf?) A lot of shows are going on hiatus soon, so hopefully The Fall will air during that in the near future?


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