Title: Penance Pairing: YunJae Rating: R Length: Chaptered Genre: Angst, drama Summary: Yunho once chose kinship over love, and is now willing to do anything as penance for his act of betrayal. ( He had trained himself to harden his heart )
I'm intrigued by the plot, would love to read a chaptered fic of this , if you are not comfortable with a long fic why not do a mini one? Then you won't feel pressured
It will be hard to compact the plot I have in mind into a mini. In fact, i think that would be more difficult. I have always found it challenging to express myself economically. Oh wells, I shall gear myself up. Thanks for reading, I just posted chapter one (:
Ooooh..interesting prologue. I like it. Hum....YH made JJ stay in the cell for 10 years minus 2 years? Oh no...then YH must pay! A WHOLE LOT MORE for making JJ suffer~!! T___T
I can't say what happened now, but thank you for reading and commenting (: Chapter One is now up. I hope you enjoy that one as much as you did the prologue (:
Comments 60
I like it.
Hum....YH made JJ stay in the cell for 10 years minus 2 years?
Oh no...then YH must pay! A WHOLE LOT MORE for making JJ suffer~!! T___T
Waiting for the next part ^____^
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