Title: Penance Pairing: YunJae Rating: R Length: Chaptered Genre: Angst, drama Summary: Yunho once chose kinship over love, and is now willing to do anything as penance for his act of betrayal. ( He had trained himself to harden his heart )
Hmmm, it is angsty, but i chose to end the prologue with a glimmer of hope. And guess what, I am also the happily ever after kind of girl. A happy ending in this case will be a lot sweeter if YJ overcome insurmountable odds together before, no? Thanks for reading (:
hee hee I guess I should? The real difficulty really lies in continuing updates and eventually completing this at a satisfactory level. In any case, thanks for taking the time to read and comment (:
Thanks for the encouragement (: I didn't know how it got so sad, i had a main plot but somehow other it turned out like that when i put it into words..
Comments 60
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Yes Sir!!!
I want to find out why Jaejoong is in jail and what happened between him and Yunho.
Can't wait for the next update
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