Hey! As promised (and sorry that it is later than I anticipated!!) here is our forum for discussing Stephenie Meyer's sequel to Twilight, New Moon!!
The same kinds of questions are up for grabs from the
Twilight discussion. Since we've met almost all of the characters before, we can open up discussion to changes or continuity that you see in the characters from the previous book.
*One Request* No matter how much you outright loathe Jacob, I'm asking that we keep this an intelligently open minded discussion. If you don't like him, that's perfectly alright. But explain why. And not just "Jake is a big fat poo-poo head." (And, despite how much I love, love, love Edward, I may play Devil's Advocate and pose some pro-Jacob ideas to you haters. But don't worry! It's all out of good fun for the sake of discussion.)
Ok, ready? Here we go.
Discussion Questions/Topics for New Moon:
-Do your opinions of the characters we've met before stay the same? Are they challenged? Do they change? (Particularly Bella, Edward, Jacob, Billy, and/or Charlie.)
-How hard was it for you when Edward left Bella in the woods?
-How soon after Twilight did you read New Moon?
-What kinds of questions did you have while reading the book that weren't resolved?
-How do you think Bella was able to hear Edward's voice? She claims adrenaline and being near danger. What do you think?
-Did you feel that the werewolves and the Volterra scene fit in the same book?
-What do you think Edward broke in the living room after the voting meeting?
-Why is Edward more willing to act civil than Jacob in the forest during the Epilogue?
Like before, please, please feel free to open up more discussion topics and ask more questions!! I'll add them to this post for easy access for future visitors.
If you missed the first discussion, don't fret!! You can still get in on it!
Click here to join the Twilight discussion!! I'll be back in a while with my responses! And I promise, the Eclipse and Breaking Dawn Predictions post won't take as long. So check back tomorrow, the Eclipse post should be up sometime around mid-afternoon.
♥ M