This summer someone once mentioned that the people he knows that came out of law school all use words in a very precise way.
true! all those shows on tv involving the law and/or lawyers...they're probably not close to what it's really like, but i think they offer a glimpse into how tricky words can be. well, even without those shows, they way people say things in day to day life says a lot more than they mean to let on, even if it's not too noticeable at first.
Comments 4
That is true. But still, all the best!
Cute slippers :3
This summer someone once mentioned that the people he knows that came out of law school all use words in a very precise way.
true! all those shows on tv involving the law and/or lawyers...they're probably not close to what it's really like, but i think they offer a glimpse into how tricky words can be. well, even without those shows, they way people say things in day to day life says a lot more than they mean to let on, even if it's not too noticeable at first.
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