Empowering Decisions

Aug 20, 2007 18:46

Tonight was (optional) SLIS orientation on campus. Since I already know where the library is and am quickly becoming well-versed in its inner workings, I opted to skip orientation and enjoy pasta night with Mary. Then I opted to have another hunk of bread with delicious marinara sauce. Now I'm going to pretend that I'm opting to settle deeper into ( Read more... )

blaming the gremlins, sometimes i do these things

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Comments 2

saymark2 August 20 2007, 23:38:42 UTC
"The illusion of choice is important to me."

You are wise and self-actualizied beyond your years.


bonelesspuppy August 21 2007, 16:01:23 UTC
That's such a delightful euphemism for "lazy."


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