SPN/Lost Drabble for two Luau Queens

Aug 28, 2010 13:06

Title: Difficult with the Living
Rating: PG
Characters: Sayid, Castiel
Word Count: 100
Summary: Good things do happen.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: Season six of Lost.
A/N: For lostsquee Luau Queens missy_useless and hopelessfangirl, who like SPN/Lost. Also fits the latter’s undead prompt.

Good things do happen. )

drabble, fic, supernatural, lost

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Comments 10

janie_tangerine August 28 2010, 11:14:36 UTC

No, really, how the fuck do you do it in a drabble. This was just so good. And so complex. And so perfect and IC and damn, I want to be able to do it, too! :((( ;) seriously, the last line totally delivered it. And the things do happen line was totally awesome. Okay, this is awesome. So totally awesome. And it totally needed to exist. XDD


bold_seer August 29 2010, 18:51:46 UTC
I thought that, too; it needed to be written. Sayid and Castiel in this were naturally some kind of an inspiration. :D

I'll admit this one was a bit of a pain, though. Two characters, two shows, several storylines - perhaps not the most sensible thing to write a drabble about. But hopefully none of that shows. Thank you so much! <3


ozmissage August 28 2010, 14:53:42 UTC
This is incredible, so fully realized and achy, I can't believe it's a drabble. You pack more weight into a hundred words than most people do in a thousand.

He lies on a beach, arms stretched wide on his sides like wings; breathing is a novelty.

Free, without the weight of his orders, Castiel flies off.

It’s a sad life, but they are both tired of death.

So Beautiful.


bold_seer August 29 2010, 19:23:43 UTC
Thank you so very much! It wasn't the easiest drabble ever to write, but I needed to do it. Glad it worked for you. :D


hopelessfangirl August 28 2010, 15:27:06 UTC
GAH, omg, this is so beautifully written. I literally have no words. It is perfection.

Goodness can still be found in your heart, Sayid. Covered with blood.

That gave me chills. ^

Thank you so much! I adore this. ♥


bold_seer August 29 2010, 22:14:59 UTC
Awww, thank you so much! :) I'm very glad those lines worked for you; I thought they fit Sayid (and Cas) rather well.


aurilly August 28 2010, 23:11:44 UTC
Oh my god this was so brilliant. So short and yet full of rich concepts and emotions. I don't understand how you did it. You really bring out the similarities in the two characters in such a natural way that now I'm wondering why tomes haven't been written about these two together.


bold_seer August 29 2010, 22:22:27 UTC
Heh, your icon!

This is such a lovely comment! But I do agree with you that there should be fic about these two - seriously, parallels. So, I really needed to write this, and I'm happy to hear it worked for you. Thanks so much! :)


missy_useless September 7 2010, 12:17:20 UTC
Chills! I have them. God.

Good things do happen.


I tend to not be very vocal about my Sayid love but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist: I really do love him. And this drabble? Is fucking brilliant, holy hell. It's so layered and complex and beautifully written. My mind is blown and all I can do is gape. Wow. And what a crossover pairing! I have so much love for his. So much. Thank you, thank you, thank you! ♥

Also: apologies for being so inexcusably late.


bold_seer September 13 2010, 20:45:41 UTC
It's perfectly all right! And I'm sorry for being late to replying to this! *headdesk*

Then it was a lucky guess! :) And, regarding drabbles, I should probably tell you that I have an excellent drabble by you saved in my LJ memories. (A Sawyer drabble - not entirely sure how and when I found it.)

Thank you! <3


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