I've just got rejected for the second time and I'm confused as to why. Maybe I'm being dense, but I've counted the post totals twice and I can't figure out what's wrong with the "under the cut".
Hello! I recently submitted a post that was rejected because my LJ-cut text didn't include the number of pictures. I went ahead and re-submitted, but I noticed a weird glitch where I would add the LJ-cut text, but if I switched between rich text and HTML views, the cut text would disappear. So I submitted it without switching between the two views - any idea why this happens? Oh, and if my submission shows up without the cut text a second time, I'm so sorry! If that happens, I'll just forgo putting the # of pictures in the cut text and just put it well above the cut.
hello, just tried to post in adiml and i got a note to see about pee pics. i looked at the picture, and there is no underwear, just my robe, my pyjama bottoms, and my feet. so i'm confused as to why it was rejected, unless someone thought the robe was my panties?
My teaser was the proper size yet I was told "teaser" was the reason mine was rejected. I am hoping someone can explain this further because it seems a tad confusing to me. I followed every single rule.
Just a quick apologynewwaytowriteFebruary 27 2012, 20:44:54 UTC
I posted a entry ADIML that was meant for AMA . I got the mod email response that it would not be posted. Obviously it shouldn't be posted on ADIML but just wanted to let you know it was not my intention to spam the page and look forward to some day posting a real entry to ADIML.
Comments 53
I've just got rejected for the second time and I'm confused as to why. Maybe I'm being dense, but I've counted the post totals twice and I can't figure out what's wrong with the "under the cut".
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!
Sorry that was so long. :)
here is the picture in question
Simple fix. Make it 200x300 or less and it's fine.
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