wow. I mean, wow....

Oct 05, 2007 16:55

My boss took me into the boardroom today for 'a chat' because it was slow today. She wanted to make sure that I was happy with the job and working for her company - she seemed concerned about it. I told her flat out that THIS is the best job that I've had - E.V.E.R. This perked her up considerably (and, for once, I wasn't lying through my teeth ( Read more... )

boss, meme, work, food

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Comments 22

munchkin62 October 5 2007, 21:39:59 UTC


blythechild October 5 2007, 21:41:54 UTC
hey, thanks!


i hate to say i told you so faunalia October 5 2007, 21:46:38 UTC
but we've been trying to tell you how awsome you are, and what a great set of talents/hard earned skills you have for a long while:)

not that it's ever easy to connect with a job that actually values and rewards that unique combination!

good for you. you deserve it.


Re: i hate to say i told you so blythechild October 5 2007, 21:51:07 UTC
Thanks, F.

You know: it's one thing to be told that you've got skills, but it's something else entirely to know that you do and feel confident about it. It's just proof that self-evaluation is often less than useful......


zenrin October 5 2007, 21:56:46 UTC
Woo Hoo... GO Blythe!!!!
I'm happy for you.
I'll do my happy dance for you.


blythechild October 5 2007, 21:58:54 UTC

hee! thanks ;) I feel good 'bout all of this.....


also, in the "hate to say we told ya so" camp minouette October 5 2007, 21:58:15 UTC

Now you can look back on your drudgery with FF and SadSackHarold as the abberation that it was, merely as a source for future fiction and not you lot in life!

GOOD FOR YOU. I mean, we all knew you had the design skill, and attention to details, but learning the software came less naturally to you, but you've nonetheless done so at a spectacular rate.

(I'm not too keen on brussel sprouts or fiddleheads. I just remembered the worst breakfast mistake I ever made: the previous night's popcorn. Don't do that EVER.)

[I so have to get back to editing the damn book... excuse me...]

p.s. prosperous_fox is curious as to the identity of black_dog_night


Re: also, in the "hate to say we told ya so" camp blythechild October 5 2007, 22:02:55 UTC
don't worry, black_dog_night is cool.....

Thanks for the congrats!

Fiddleheads are wonderful AND interesting to look at too.


Re: also, in the "hate to say we told ya so" camp minouette October 5 2007, 22:04:22 UTC
Hmmm.. I'll grant you that they are pretty.


draycevixen October 5 2007, 22:04:09 UTC
Utterly bloody marvelous!

Remember me telling you when we first heard the good news that *nothing* compares to doing something that you're *naturally* good at and having people being amazed *and* appreciative.

God knows what kind of raise you might have got if you'd said you'd started looking around *snerk*

Seems to me that you've got a lot to be thankful for this year. That's the dog bollocks!

I hope you have plans to buy copious amounts of alcohol for that friend who met your boss in the park and thought to mention your outstanding talents.


minouette October 5 2007, 22:07:57 UTC
Oh, that will go over well with reynardin and faunalia. I'm just going to see them, so I shall pass on the suggestion. ;)

[Can you explain to be why "the dog bollocks" is, I presume, good whereas "the dog's breakfast" is awful?]


draycevixen October 5 2007, 22:17:10 UTC
Brace yourself... The Cockneys -- my complex,erudite and deeply scientific tribe of origin -- love to observe things.

I'm assuming that we all know what bollocks means.

The dog's breakfast, is supposed to refer to what the dog scarfed down and then threw back up.

The dog's bollocks refers to a dog's fascination with its own "equipment" -- can't stop licking and cleaning them. Ergo, the dog's bollocks must be very special indeed.


I fail to see what canine gonads have to do with it..... blythechild October 5 2007, 22:10:26 UTC
This year began as one of the worst in recent memory but seems to be heading for a smash ending, so it will go down in my personal history as a period of extremely mixed emotions, I think.

I DO feel terribly fortunate at the moment. Yes, reynardin deserves something spectacular for her pimping skillz here. She just recently got herself a kick-ass animation job, so maybe Karma paid it forward a bit for me.

Jeez, that Kermit icon is hilarious!


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