Title: Playing With Fire
Author: rebecca
Pairing: Tony/Abby (yes! I went back to the het!)
Rating: NC-17 (if I ever write these two as anything less I'll die of shock)
Summary: You'll like this. I promise.
Notes: Set in the same general universe as
'Next Morning' and
'Round One'. All you Tony/Abby shippers? Yeah, you guys? Will you let me go back
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Comments 13
so...when's Abby going to surprise Tony with Gibbs? *runs for it*
SOME people.
Oh, dear lord.
Just read all three of these, since I'd somehow managed to miss the first two.
I do love my Gibbs/DiNozzo, but Abby's so irresistible that this absolutely worked for me... and how!
And it's still all oceana_'s fault. but I'm liking it anyway. *g*
Not normally into the het thing, but this, hon? This is good. Yup. :-D
*fans self*
But you did it well.
Of course, if the bunny doesn't bite, no real harm done, because I can pretty much take it for granted I'm going to love anything you write. You've made me like het for the first time in four years!
Anyway, yeah. Love the fic. Thanks for posting!
On the other hand, yay for making you like het!
You really ask us to leave you alone if you keep making promises like this? *g*
Loved it, as always. And they are cuddling now. Awe, how cute. How can people not love Tony? (I don't have to ask that about Abby, because there is no one who doesn't love Abby.)
*is happy*
I ask you to let me get back to my slash! *looks longingly at the boys*
Okay, so Tony and Abby are adorable together. And all cute curled up and snuggled under the comforter with the candles. But...*sigh*
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