
Feb 26, 2007 02:04

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Comments 10

temaranight February 26 2007, 07:19:48 UTC
Nice tat!
Although if you'd walked up to me with the hair I'd have had to blink a few times, but then I'd be used to it ^.^


bloodyf4ng February 26 2007, 07:35:11 UTC
custom design done by a friend

and don't hate on the hair


beatyourself February 26 2007, 07:30:05 UTC
Awesome stuff! Is it by chance going to get bigger?


bloodyf4ng February 26 2007, 07:34:44 UTC
Most likely not.

If I get anything else, it will be a seperate tattoo.


beatyourself February 26 2007, 07:41:27 UTC
Cool cool. Let me know when you are getting your next one. I will be getting mine here in a couple months. I'll post pics of the concept and junk later.


teknoboy February 26 2007, 13:14:55 UTC
very nice!


bloodyf4ng February 26 2007, 18:31:16 UTC
yes indeed


(The comment has been removed)

bloodyf4ng February 26 2007, 18:30:28 UTC
i was kind of weirded out you managed to identify it as gardner until I realized you can see the dryer on the right instead of the left.

It was the only place with good lighting downstairs that was empty.


cre8ivedestruct March 6 2007, 15:41:30 UTC
so... it says Jo? who's Jo?


bloodyf4ng March 8 2007, 18:57:38 UTC

It's better than most people asking me why I have 30 tattooed on my back


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