Soul Society~~

Feb 18, 2007 20:34

Age: 17

Likes: Bleach, fanfiction, writing, original fiction, Hunter S. Thompson, Avenged Sevenfold, Psyclon Nine, Nero Zero, philosophy, psychology, chocolate, roleplaying -- I belong to camuludanum where I play Ulquiorra and Hisana, and karakura_hs where I play Ulquiorra (and soon to be Orihime!) -- gum, the internet, music in general, intelligence, pretty people, piercings, tattoos, and chapstick. :]
Dislikes: Stupidity, spiders, terribly written fanfiction, Fall Out Boy, scene kids, stereotypical people, body hair, shallow people, school, junior year, physics.

Strong points: Intelligent. Can slack off and still get decent grades. Funny. A decent writer. Open-minded. Creative.
Weaker points: Judgmental. Gets annoyed easily. Can be unfriendly. Lazy. Impatient. Procrastinator.

Hobbies &/or Talents: Writing, definitely. I write both fanfiction and original fiction (for fanfiction, my fandoms are Bleach and Harry Potter ^^). I'm a very good roleplayer, and can roleplay as many different kinds of characters. I can also sing, though I can't say I do anything with it.

Favorite color: Black, violet, turquoise.
Favorite animal: Hmm. That's a bit tough. I love canines, and I also rather like snakes, too.
Favorite season: Autumn. My birthday is in October, and the changing leaves are pretty.

Mature or Immature: Mature. Then again, I can be immature at times ... who isn't, at times?
Leader or Follower: Leader. Sometimes I'll follow, but it's very rare.
Outgoing or Shy: Mainly outgoing, but with people older than me, or people I feel insecure around, I'm rather quiet.
Confident or Modest: In the middle, I guess? I'm hardly confident about my appearance, but I'm not exactly insecure about my personality.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist, though I tend to lean towards pessimism at times, or so people say.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Mostly very low. Sometimes I'll get up to medium, but I don't think I've ever had a ridiculously high energy level.

Goals in life: I'd like to publish a book or two by the time I hit forty. I also want to get married to someone fantastic -- who doesn't? -- and my current goal is to survive junior year and do well on the APs and SATs.

Favorite quote & why: Hmm. I pretty much like all of Nero Zero's quotes, because they're hilarious. Same goes for all the Avenged Sevenfold boys. But I think my favourite quote that I can currently come up with is one from Hunter S. Thompson: "The only difference between the sane and the insane in this world is that the sane have the power to have the insane locked up."

Describe your personality in three words or more: passionate, wishful, irritable

Favorite character & why: Hmm. I have a few of these, so I guess I'll go through them.
o1. Ulquiorra: he's mysterious (not to mention pretty), but I love how powerful he is. Powerful, yet, he doesn't go crazy trying to prove that he is. I also adore his interaction with Aizen.
o2. Grimmjow: He's so ... thuggish. xDD I love thug-like characters.
o3. Byakuya: Cold, impersonal, but he definitely loved his late wife. That is not only intriguing, it's adorable ... and I want to see more of him.
o4. Urahara: He's bloody manipulative even though he seems like just a silly shopkeeper. It wouldn't surprise me of Urahara turned out to be the real person Aizen has to watch out for. xD

...I have so many others ... Rukia, Rangiku, Gin, Renji, Shuuhei, Kaien, Noitra ... but I'll spare you. xD
Least favorite character & why: Hmm. For some reason, Uryuu has not been impressing me lately. Likewise, Ichigo has always kind of bothered me. I think he's a bit of a drama queen. But I think my two MAIN least favourites are Tousen ( he fucking lobbed Grimm's arm off in the name of justice. Wtf is up with that, anyway? DDDD: ) and Kon, because god, he pisses me off.

Anything else: Hmm. Nope, don't think so. ...I tend to see Bleach everywhere. xDD So maybe that's why I think the singer of Opiate For the Masses looks like Grimmjow?
How did you find this community: No idea. I've been watching it for ages. xD
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:


rukia, stamped

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