Title: Soft
kiyuuPairing: Aizen/Hinamori
Rating: R, maybe?
Spoilers: End of Soul Society arc to be safe.
Notes: Written for and x-posted to
40_loves My "Hina-in-HM" muse is still going strong. :Db And this is the first time I've written anything with such a high rating. Please be gentle. T__T
One thing Aizen loves about Hinamori )
Comments 8
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Oooh, yes, good point. I'll go tweak that now.
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Thanks. ^_^ I'm getting into the swing of fanfiction again, and I've got a bunch of other promps from 40_loves to do, so I'll definitely be posting here more often.
"Too bad"? It was beautiful! I think I've read almost every fic featuring this pairing (I love them to death) and only a handful of them capture the tragic beauty as wonderfully as you've done!
Thank you so much for sharing this with us :D
I like to think that in his own twisted little way, Aizen does somewhat care for her. I mean, when you think about it, despite what he did being cruel and messed up, it was a sort of act of kindness. XD; He wanted to spare her a painful life of living without him D:!
Oh, the angst. ♥
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