I am glad that Obama won the election. I hope that he can pull us out of the bad spot that we are in. I am glad I voted, and I am proud of the step forward we have taken as a nation.
click that link to help me out in an online game. You can do it 5 times in a 24 hour period. So, hook me up. :) You can also sign up to play if you like.
ICC is in Detroit and USCC is in Cleveland. Both cities are not worth visiting... How lame. I am not sure I want to go to either of those Cons. I guess ICC will have better parties, and more people, so I would choose Detroit.
Drill this weekend. After this, I have six or seven left. I ETS right after a drill date. I may be able to just out process that drill, and call it good. Otherwise, I will just tough it out and get it over with. Life will be much better when this crap is over.