West Wing AU poll

Jan 12, 2007 20:00

As someone who currently has 5 different AUs lying around in her computer, and also someone who cannot legitimately ask Em to run something else, I thought I'd do a little poll to see if anyone would be interested. However, as there aren't that many West Wing people on the flist, and I'm not sure how well this would go down in the fic-comms, if you ( Read more... )

auficathon: ponderings

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Comments 13

mi_guida January 12 2007, 20:13:50 UTC
OK, I know nothing really and certainly not enough to write - BUT if there was any LJ administratively stuff to do, I could help with that, if you wanted? May be the most unhelpful suggestion ever, of course!


black_eyedgirl January 12 2007, 20:41:21 UTC
Oh I can safely guarantee that if I actually do take leave of my sanity and try to run this, there will be something I will need help with...


mi_guida January 12 2007, 21:21:30 UTC
If it's do able via the internet, I'm there x


raedbard January 12 2007, 20:18:43 UTC
(Yeah, I kinda really want someone to run this. *hangs head*)

And I have added to tww_full_lid so *hopefully* people will be useful. :)


black_eyedgirl January 12 2007, 20:42:48 UTC
I'm okay to run it (gotta try everything once!) if I can get enough people interested that it's worth doing. Otherwise I can just continue merrily writing my own 5 AUs and flood a confused fandom with them!


celbalrai January 12 2007, 20:20:34 UTC
I'm saying never because I'm really CRAP at doing things on time. Though I have to say, better late than never! (And that you should do it soon. Oooh! Maybe it could be a comfort thing for the anniversary of the end - you know, publish fics in the week before? It'd cheer everyone up! The anniversary's in May, right?)


black_eyedgirl January 12 2007, 20:44:56 UTC
*g* That sounds like potentially good timing... But you should do it *pleady face* I'll make a nice loooong deadline... :-)


celbalrai January 12 2007, 21:22:04 UTC
Yes, but then I'm all, "Oh, whatever, I've got ages to do it..."

I do like the idea though. (I'm getting thoughts of a Toby/teacher thing and Sam/student thing, though it's so utterly cliched and I think that only you or Em should be permitted to even consider that scenario. But still. Ideas, see.)


raedbard January 12 2007, 22:55:43 UTC
Oh I so already have a scenario planned out. (Just now, like ten minutes ago! YAY!) *evil echo-y laughter* (But yes, with you on the cliche. We'll have to see ... *g*)


amy_vic January 12 2007, 23:29:41 UTC
I've never written AU, but for TWW (and you), I could give it a go. *g* But not 'til April/May; I don't know where I'll be RL-wise for the next couple months, and I don't want fic to suffer because of that.

(Also, if it matters, my vote was that we write for ourselves, in any and all categories.)


black_eyedgirl January 13 2007, 01:37:41 UTC
*g* Yay! (And thank you). April/May seems to be the consensus of sorts, and that's better for me, kind of, because from an organisational point of view I'll be at home at the start of April. Of course then I have exams, so I might be late with the actual product in my own ficathon, but no matter!



amy_vic January 14 2007, 01:25:11 UTC
Crap, that's when exams are? I didn't think they were til later, which is why I picked the time I did; it's probably best not to hold a ficathon right around exam time, am I right? *g*

(I'm not in school, so I have no idea.)


black_eyedgirl January 14 2007, 18:19:50 UTC
Well *my* uni exams start in mid-May. And GCSE/A-Levels are about that time too I guess. I could do it a lot earlier, so it would be before Em wants to do the remix thon, but that would make it sign-ups in February, due (probably) sometime in March. Which is perhaps not too convenient for flist people, and as you lot are the ones most likely to sign up... *g*


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