American Idol FF: Just like the Kelly Clarkson song (my life would suck without you) [Ryan/Simon]

Mar 19, 2009 03:30

Title: Just like the Kelly Clarkson song (my life would suck without you)
Fandom: American Idol RPF
Pairing: Ryan/Simon
Rating: PG-13 (for violence and swearing and a bit of implication)
Length: 4,500 words
Disclaimer: Ryan and Simon belong to themselves, American Idol belongs to Fox
Spoilers: To the Top 13 show.
Warnings: For some violence/threats ( Read more... )

american idol, american idol: fanfic, fanfic

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smilebackwards March 19 2009, 12:14:07 UTC
I love this. God, I don't even watch American Idol, but I read this because you wrote it and now I'm searching through everything Ryan/Simon related. I just spent the last 2 hours reading quotes. And I just read this--

'I sometimes sense he looks at me and thinks, "If only I were 30 years younger and on this show and part of the generation that Ryan and the contestants are, then maybe this would be bigger and better for me."' Ryan jokes.

--and I thought to myself 'how awesome would it be if someone wrote an AU where Simon and Ryan were both like 15 years younger on the show and Simon was still a judge, but Ryan was a contestant?' *facepalm*


black_eyedgirl March 20 2009, 23:54:15 UTC
O_O ... You are a bad influence.

how awesome would it be if someone wrote an AU where Simon and Ryan were both like 15 years younger on the show and Simon was still a judge, but Ryan was a contestant?'
This is all I can think about! Ryan would be like 23, and Simon maybe 36/37. With Ryan all way-to-close-to-jailbait, with his highlighted hair, and skinny t-shirts. And Paula would love him, and Simon would be all "but he can't sing" (because he really can't, though we'd need to twist that enough for him to be a contestant). And everyone thinks he's all sweet, except with Simon, because you know Ryan would still talk back to him. And Ryan's really only doing it to get to Hollywood, not because he wants to sing (and Simon can tell, and Ryan hates that) but he kinda falls for Simon anyway. And... *sighs* So anyway I hate you ;)

But also I love you for reading this despite not watching the show. And I'm so glad you liked it. They really are my happy place right now. They lead me on with their wicked flirting :)


smilebackwards March 21 2009, 21:28:19 UTC
Oh my God, please write it! *begs*

Simon would be all "but he can't sing" (because he really can't, though we'd need to twist that enough for him to be a contestant).

But Randy and Paula would pass him through the semis anyway and he'd be really good at the performance/presentation and pick great songs and America can look past the whole can't-sing thing. Wasn't there a person named Sanjaya? (I will like go do research on how AI works to get you to write this.)

Also, O_O ... You are a bad influence.

Haha. I am a fantastic influence!


black_eyedgirl March 25 2009, 00:26:38 UTC
Well, on the one hand I owe you for about a thousand unfinished fics. On the other, I'm supposed to be writing the 'serious' Ryan/Simon for lgbtfest. But it's in my head now. It has, like, a plot and stuff ;) Or at least events. And possibly a soundtrack. Though I'm gonna need a few suggestions for Ryan's songs... *sighs* This way madness lies, but I guess I've never been especially sane.

(And yes, there was a Sanjaya, though I've only been watching properly for a year and a bit now. I have to do a lot of youtube-ing for canon!)


smilebackwards March 25 2009, 23:51:11 UTC
Well, on the one hand I owe you for about a thousand unfinished fics. On the other, I'm supposed to be writing the 'serious' Ryan/Simon

My preferred solution to this is for you to write both of them. I can wait (relatively) patiently for the amount of sheer awesome that you are sure to pull out. (Especially if you tell me about the planned soundtrack).


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