
Feb 03, 2012 23:22

s7, ep reaction, spn

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Comments 17

i_speak_tongue February 4 2012, 11:09:15 UTC
Everything you said! I did enjoy it, but boys seemed extra thick this week, like I groaned out loud when Sam was all, "you really dodged a bullet there." LIKE FOR REALS SAMMEH? When does Dean ever dodge that shape of bullet? WHEN? As soon as the coroner kid mentioned the name of the bar, I thought for sure it was clicking. But apparently, someone ate the stupid-making cereal for breakfast. Sheesh. I was also annoyed with Sam's generally condescending manner WRT Deans suspicions about the baby etc... Though he did manage to win my heart back by the end with the "Don't Die, okay?" MEEP. My heart!

I'm also not in favor of ghost!bobby. I mean, I am totally cool with Dean thinking there is a ghost!Bobby, and then it turning out to be something totally different. But, yeah, Bobby is too smart to become a ghost. period.

ALSO? Totes gonna read The Hunger Games based on your rec! I was fence sitting about that one, as I do with a lot of YA books. But... yep. too tempting to pass up now!


biketest February 4 2012, 16:52:51 UTC
Yeah, I was like, what reason do you have to believe a bullet was dodged??

Oh awesome, I hope you like it! I usually don't have an interest in YA books, but literally all of my friends love it and it only takes a couple of days to read so I gave it a try. I'm not as into it as everyone at school seems to be (in every class someone will come up to me and ask, "that's the best book ever, don't you love it!?!?"), but it's still pretty good!


purple_carpets February 4 2012, 12:17:28 UTC
No ghost!Bobby! Please, I can't deal with ghost!Bobby. It's probably like last season when everyone was wondering about Sam and there were all those theories and as soon as show mentioned one of them on screen, you knew that wasn't it. Yup. That's totally what's happening here. *keeps telling herself that*

Also? What's up with Dean keeping Bobby's flask and none of John's personal belongings? For some reason that really upsets me.


biketest February 4 2012, 16:55:48 UTC
I really really hope you're right about that.

That is a very good question! Maybe because Bobby's death is so recent and Dean's bitter about his father in retrospect? But it still feels like he should have something of his. Like what even happened to the leather jacket??


purple_carpets February 4 2012, 17:18:31 UTC
I think he left the jacket at Lisa's, so I'm guessing it's lost forever. I don't usually keep strange, beat up clothing that turns up in my garage...

Now that I'm thinking about it I can't NOT imagine S2!Dean going through John's pockets and keeping something. Damn you, show! They even buried John's dog tags.


jaimeykay February 4 2012, 17:54:32 UTC

lol kidding, I totally want Dean to be hallucinating and mentally disintegrating. HOW SAD IS THAT? Sorry, Dean.


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biketest February 4 2012, 18:47:56 UTC
I KNOW I was hoping Peeta would never stop having a fever! I was hoping he'd have a fever for three books but unfortunately that does not seem to be the case. D:

I haven't even finished the first book yet but I'm already so pumped for the movie!


jaimeykay February 4 2012, 17:55:56 UTC
How spoiled are you? I don't know to say much if you aren't spoiled!


biketest February 4 2012, 18:48:47 UTC
I'm not very spoiled at the moment but I would love to be. Spoil away! :)


jaimeykay February 4 2012, 19:12:07 UTC
I can't find the interview, ack, but I'm pretty sure a writer said that they may not be done with Jim Beaver? Because really, once a character is dead on SPN, they don't stay dead. I was disappointed, because the send-off for Bobby was really awesome and it would almost be a disservice to bring him back. He can live through Dean and Sam, if you will! (I also just want Dean crumbling under the pressure, okay. XD)

Also, I think I missed the convo about condom usage, looool. What was said?


biketest February 4 2012, 19:21:41 UTC
UUUUUUUGH. I totally agree. I was ready for Bobby to leave the show anyway. And YES why can't everyone just leave Dean alone to spiral downward??? I hope they just said that to keep all their options open and not because they have actual plans for bringing him back... :|

Ha! At least I'm pretty sure that's what they were getting at:
Sam: Dean, dude, seriously, a one night stand, you're just gonna roll the dice, you don't even-
Dean: Of course not, Sam, what do you think I'm brain dead? Accidents happen!


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biketest February 4 2012, 22:38:23 UTC
Sounds about right! :)


rince1wind March 28 2012, 07:34:19 UTC
The Hunger Games movie's very good! I snagged the assignment to review it for my newspaper so I got to see it right away. The casting is excellent. I absolutely love Jennifer Lawrence's acting. The screenplay's really tight and sticks very close to the book. And the score is just brilliant. Perfect in every way.

(Didn't intend to intrude over here -!- I thought I'd have a look and see if you had any more Spn stories for me to read and caught sight of your mention of THG.)


biketest March 28 2012, 13:13:34 UTC
Awesome! I'm seeing it tomorrow hopefully, I'm so excited!

Don't worry, comments make me happy! :D


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