
Jan 04, 2010 12:01

this is going to be short because over the past three hours i have progressed from feeling vaguely muzzy to flat-out congested and nauseous. this was SUPPOSED to be a "hooray holidays are over and i can finally get back to things like writing and actually checking my flist once in a while" but, fail. i just can't get a break-- real post will come ( Read more... )

reality just kung fu'd my ass, i have a minyan

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Comments 14

syncopated_time January 4 2010, 17:30:24 UTC
If she's looking for a popular language like Spanish (and uses a PC), Pirate Bay can be very helpful for acquiring such things.

If not, I do know someone who works for RS as a salesperson and I might be able to hook her up for a friends and family discount. Possibly, if nice salesperson decides she and peregrina are not separated by to many "friend of a friend"'s.

Someday I am going to have to try these "Lush" bits and bobs you and moonlight69 and half of everyone else I know is always raving about. I dislike buying bath products scent unsniffed, but there isn't a retail store within sane driving distance of here unless I want to venture into the city... My dilemma remains unsolved.

*hands you tea and tissues and decongestants* Feel better soon!


betweenthebliss January 5 2010, 16:19:31 UTC
ooh good call. and that would be v. cool about the discount-- if you need to say it's for someone you know, you could just say it's for me and i'll give it to her next time i see her. :3 i'll see if she's had any luck buying a used one and let you know. XD

and yes, omfg, lush is awesome. if you tell me what kinds of smells you like, and what sorts of products (bath/shower, skin, hair, etc) you use, i could send you a bunch of samples. XD seriously, it's like BPAL for the rest of your body. all essential oils so the scents are (IMO, anyway) really natural and wear really nicely. but also i got addicted after like, one trip to one of the stores, lol, so it is definitely worth the wait if you do have to hang til you get to the city.

<333333333 thank you. i am feeling much better today, miraculously, i think all the well wishes helped. :3


oimizza January 4 2010, 17:41:52 UTC
Feel better mi dear! Snort a pack or two of Emergen'C or go get a 4 pack of Celsius... that stuff has kicked the crud out of any cold/illness that has threatened my bar exam study schedule over the summer.

Or or or...just have a few pints. That makes everything feel better right?


betweenthebliss January 5 2010, 16:09:22 UTC
yeah, the emergen-c is the key, nelle gave me some (to combat my post-NYE hangover, lol) and i remembered how awesome it is. will add that to my drugstore-to-buy list, lol.

and yes, when in doubt, alcohol is a disinfectant and anti-bacterial. a liberal application of gin solves many ills. XD


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betweenthebliss January 5 2010, 16:08:08 UTC
indeed-- if at some point i have time to go to a drugstore, rofl, i will hit that up. XD


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betweenthebliss January 5 2010, 16:16:29 UTC
i'm actually just going for the meeting tonight, 9-12, but i'm closing friday and saturday. (my schedule this week blows-- i'm taking a nap tonight before i go up there-- evening meetings need to suck my dick.)


ninety6tears January 4 2010, 21:05:25 UTC
Hope you feel better.

And LOL, I was ready for a kink meme the second I walked out of Sherlock Holmes :D


betweenthebliss January 5 2010, 16:05:27 UTC
thanks honey :x physically i am feeling better, but now i'm very stressed out today. ugh.

but yes, lmao, i was too. RDJ talking about them being gay just made it even worse. XD


laulan January 5 2010, 06:23:27 UTC
You know I am, darling.


betweenthebliss January 5 2010, 16:04:37 UTC
*flops on you* why is life a bitch, andy. more importantly, how can so many things be stressing me out and yet idgaf as long as i get to spend part of my evening flailing with you about fictional people? /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\


laulan January 5 2010, 17:01:44 UTC
I don't know the answers the either of those questions, but I'm glad the second one is true. ♥


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