HVV, LB, Intoxiquette

Mar 16, 2013 14:24

Really apologetic about the backdated OFTDs. Been receiving enquiries about my older items hence here's my two cents' worth. Gonna keep it simple and really short. ;)

Her Velvet Vase Bejou Sequinned Top in Grey (M)

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her velvet vase, love bonito, intoxiquette

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Comments 7

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blackocea March 16 2013, 15:44:14 UTC
Thanks for your reminder! :)


lilysprinkles March 16 2013, 17:41:32 UTC
do u wear L for intoxiquette too? TIA!


blackocea March 17 2013, 09:32:19 UTC
Hello! I wear M for Intoxiquette. :)


themadteacups March 16 2013, 17:47:15 UTC
you look good in the intoxiquette dress!so demure. haha. is the dress from recent collections? :) thank you!


blackocea March 17 2013, 09:32:49 UTC

Thanks for your kind words! The dress was from a pre-order collection last year!


jumpinglime March 17 2013, 03:18:44 UTC
love the pants!! been wanting it ever since i saw it but didnt manage to get it during the launch or find any reseller for my size yet. let me be your colleague - i'll rave abt it! :D
looking amazing in the hvv ruched dress too!
get what you mean about the mathilde midi - i find it makes my hips look wider :(


blackocea March 17 2013, 09:34:18 UTC
Hello! Thanks for your kind words! Hahaha, still not sick of the prints yet! I got it in shorts too!

Yeah, love and hate the Mathilde Midi! :S


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