The ill-fated day has come!
Around midnight, the ship grew far… quieter.
In an instant, all the crew members-- the staff, the waiters, the lifeguards, the mechanics, the engineers, and yes, the captains-- were plucked from their positions on board the ship. Along with all the various zoo animals. A few minutes later the ship drifted gently off-course, whether for lack of control, or some mysterious force at the helm.
Either way, as you were sleeping, the ship was sailing further and further away from its intended return trip home.
Finally around 4AM, the ship ground to a halt over some coral-- massively damaging the hull and causing the ship to begin taking on water. With no crew aboard, it's unsure who signaled the alarms, but it began blaring wildly. Lights in the cabins blinked brightly and sound systems echoed a warning that the ship was taking on water at a dangerous rate. All passengers were advised to abandon the ship immediately.
Because the ship grounded against a jetty and within a shallow, there was no immediate danger that it would sink, go belly up, and end up on the bottom of the sea floor. Instead, the levels filled up one by one. Some of the uppermost levels might even be saved, and left dry. Unfortunately for all of you, the cabins are the lowest level. Get to higher ground as soon as you can!*
If you manage to make it to the top deck, it's a straight line across the deck to the jetty, if you'd prefer that method. This is the best route if your group intends to stay high and dry. Additionally, there are more than enough lifeboats for the small number of people still aboard. You can take one and lower yourself orderly into the sea. Or, just recklessly jump into the water and make a break for shore on your own accord.
After that, you've made it safely to the island, congratulations! As a reward for your hard work, an unmanned lifeboat containing medicine, first aid, and a ridiculous number of blankets and other supplies drifts lifelessly ashore after you.
Don't forget the
((MAP)) if you need reference!
[There will be a separate open post for the people on the island and people newly arriving to meet up sometime today or tomorrow]
*Remember we will be salvaging things from the grounded ship, if your character forgets something or needs something, they are always free to return and seek it out at a later date
"Quick! Turn your cameras on!" The woman cried out to the man that was trailing her as she ran towards the commotion. The whole dock area was taped off but Shiba held up her reporters pass and was allowed through. There were some perks in finally working her way towards the top. This career change was wonderful.
Behind her, the whirring of cameras finally started as she ran past...was that a goat? Chewing on some poor dock worker's shirt and past some...monkeys? Her eyes widened a bit but she held her composure as she finally found some of the people that had somehow materialized on the dock.
"Excuse me!" She reached back and grabbed a microphone from the man that had been chasing her down and was happily taking footage of the miscellaneous animals that were on the dock milling around. Shiba located one of the crew members that had a waitress uniform on and put on her best reporter smile. "Can you please explain to the viewers how you and everyone else here found themselves on the dock in the early hours of this morning?"
A dazed woman nearly tripped over a sheep that barreled past and touched a weary hand to her forehead. Behind her were hundreds of crew members in various states, some positioned on the dock, others scrambling awkwardly out of the water, and still more littered on the hulls and decks of other boats. All of them with absolutely no idea how they'd arrived there. This woman in particular-- a waitress from one of the many restaurants on board, had been tending to the very last of her late night shift and was returning to her quarters when suddenly she was no longer walking down a hallway in the belly of a cruise ship, but was unsteadily wandering a familiar dock where they'd disembarked in Japan. She might have thought it a grand hallucination had she not seen everyone else struggling behind her. Just as she'd started to make her way toward land, an overenthusiastic reporter rushed toward her.
"What? Explain--" Her fingers rubbed at her temples, "On the dock? Where are we?"
This was going to be the best story, yet. Shiba pulled the microphone back to herself for the moment and turned to the camera. "As you can see folks, the crew members are quite dazed." She looked over the people very quickly, making another realization. "And the strange part of this is...everyone here seems to be a member of the crew, none of the passengers seem to have made it back from the cruise." She glanced over to one of the police officers who shook his head and refused to comment and smiled to herself from making such a lucky realization.
Shiba turned back towards the crew member she was speaking to. "You're in a dock in Tokyo, Japan. Can you explain how you all made it back here? And why are the passengers not amongst you?"
"Tokyo? Then what happened?" The waitress turned to look behind her again, paying no mind to the camera and microphone that were focused on her. That reporter was right. Everyone was here, but then... where was the ship? It was more than big enough that they'd be able to see it on the horizon were it anywhere near them.
"The passengers aren't here!" She echoed the realization, spinning back toward the camera and grabbing Shiba by the wrists, "Where is Atobe-sama?! And the guests!"
The woman laughed nervously as the waitress started panicking and setting off a few of the other crew members. "I'm not too sure. I was hoping you would be able to tell us and the rest of Japan just what happened to Atobe Keigo's grand cruise and all of the tennis players that were a part of his junior high school circuit." The reporter watched the rest of the crowd a moment and shook her head slightly before turning dramatically back to the camera. "There you have it! The mystery of Japan's very own Bermuda Triangle. Somehow the crew and all of the animals on his cruise ship have made it back to our shores but where have all the tennis players gone?"