
Jan 22, 2006 14:09

Last night was a very hard night for me. I thought that the one person who you love so dearly, and the one who has never laid a hand on you, or even threated to lay one on you.. DID!!! yes last night my high school sweetheart damn near killed me, i still have the marks and the cuts around my neck from his own hands. You wanna talk about being ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

woodchuck05 January 22 2006, 20:27:40 UTC
what happened?! why did he do that? was he drunk, high, what? are you ok? maybe you should seperate yourself from him for a while.


twizted_fuck January 30 2006, 05:44:38 UTC
why is it every time you only tell half the story Stacy. You never say the shit you did to lead up to it... And then you sit there and try to make me look like the bad guy. Thats fuckin bullshit! You threaten to kill me and shoot up my house. then you sit and cry when you back me up against my house and push you away by the throat bcuz my hand slipped off ur shoulder when you moved. you sure know how to twist stories dont you...


bitch twizted_fuck February 17 2006, 00:39:58 UTC
look, i dont know who the fuck u r, and quite frankly, i dont care, but if i ever see u, i will beat ur ass, and make sure that u never touch another gurl again, okay? so now that i got that out, let me tell u this, if and when i see ur bitch ass i am gonna "accidentally" slip and beat ur face into the ground, then just for the fuck of it, ur gonna dig ur own shallow grave and lay in it, and then i'm gonna beat ur ass sum more, okay? so u can take that little chip on ur shoulder, and shove it up ur ass, and dont EVER touch another gurl that way again, GOT IT U PUNK BITCH!!!!!!!!! plus, i dont think that it's possible fo rur hand to "slip" and almost kill sum-1.


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