Про лагерь

Sep 01, 2010 17:02

В результате, после того как мои отходили 8 недель в лагерь в JCC, я ими осталась в общем и целом довольна.  Рассписание автобуса устаканилось, бардак более-менее разрешился.

Признаться, меня этим летом мучила совесть, что я прогнала своих малышей через bootcamp лагерь full-time.  Поводов помучатся угрызениями совести было предостаточно, и не ( Read more... )

yasha, chronicle, book2010, leah, kids

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Comments 6

asyatka September 1 2010, 21:35:26 UTC
Чего-то действительно очень много неудобств. Ох, уж этот режим работы. А что же делать тем родителям, у которых нету возможности уйти рано с работы? А ваша няня доехала до вас в результате всех перепетий?


bengalia September 1 2010, 21:40:14 UTC
Да, доехала. Всё хорошо. Т-Т-Т. Напишу скоро.


aite September 2 2010, 01:37:57 UTC
У нас у старшей было два лагеря: в том месте, где она два года ходила в сад и в К, и наш городской. Городской был лучше того, что ты описываешь про JCC, а садовский лагерь - гораздо лучше городского. Вообще у нас тут масса вариантов, но многие дорогие, и многие, в том числе дорогие (!) заполняются еще в начале весны.


kitsele September 3 2010, 19:10:29 UTC
I'm not sure about the "being outside unless there is a calamity" policy. This summer was unbearable, how could he possibly have spent the whole day in the 90 plus heat, probably over 100 in the sunshine? I know that Montessoris offer summer camps, I think those would be a better choice, for the older ones.


bengalia September 3 2010, 20:31:55 UTC
Of course, you can find all kids of other possibilities. We were specifically looking for a sports camp and a place that both kids can attend (I had a few month of driving them to two different places in the morning and collecting them from two different places at the end of the day -- it was a nightmare!) Pool was a must per my son's request. I looked at a few places. It is pretty much the same arrangement everywhere for the kids school age -- they spend all day outside. And kids are having a blast, so did Yasha, but at the end of the day he was exhausted. They were in a pool most of the day, which he loved. There where also a few field trips, which were awesome. They were in a shaded area (although still outside) while eating lunch and went into the locker rooms a few times a day to change. If it was not for the heat this summer, it would have been so much more enjoyable. Every day Yasha would get off the bus and tell me that he had an awesome day, but yes, he was dead tired. The bus seemed to be such a convenience, and my ( ... )


kitsele September 4 2010, 11:27:11 UTC
Oh no, I'm sure it's not JCC's fault. I didn't realize Yasha wanted to be in the pool :), and, of course, having the bus pick them up and drop them off, and having both of them in the same place is a MAJOR plus. I'm a stay-at-home mom with a 3.5 year old and a brand new baby, so I can't completely relate, but I tried going back to my professional job when my firstborn was just 3 months old, for a short while, and I have a slight idea. JCC camp does sound like a lot of fun for the boys, and for your daughter it must not have been all that much different than her regular nursery school. And yes, should you have attended during the summer a year ago it would have been excellent, - it was such a nice, cool summer :) This year's was, hopefully, an anomaly.


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