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Jan 28, 2009 10:47

I'll probably add to this through-out the day because there are too many gorgeous and important episodes I haven't included yet. But I'm sad, I think a lot of us are right now, and I really wanted there to quickly be a place to celebrate what Kim Manners visually brought to this little show we all love so much.

Picspam tribute to the pretty of Kim Manners

4.04 Metamorphosis

1. The exorcism shown entirely as a close-up of Sam's face. We got to see the Sam we know and love as well as the Sam who could be all in one continuous, intimately tight, foreshadowy shot.

2. Voyeuristic view of Ruby's reaction when Sam's not looking. The warmth and affection we're pretty sure is genuine.

4. Who didn't love that static shot of Sam and Dean inappropriately breaking and entering? Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

6. Sam shot all close-up and claustrophobic-like in the closet.

9. My FAVOURITE of the episode. Sam staring out at his still-human reflection, a shout-out to the earlier shot of the Rugaru staring at the reflection of his monster self.

I don't know what I'm talking about, and the way the camera spins in the opposite direction of the boys as they circle each other as if sparing is probably is pretty standard technique for injecting intensity and movement in to an explosive moment. But, you know, IT REALLY REALLY WORKED. Favourite camera move of the episode, definitely.

4.01 Lazarus Rising

1. These close-up flashes of hell were exactly the right mix of and mystery.

10. I've geeked out over this shot before, I will gain. Sam and Ruby. Chilling at the diner with a dead body in the foreground LIKE THAT'S NO BIG DEAL. It's just so SAM. A picture that's reminiscent of normal, you know, if not for the dark twisted thing in the corner. And the fact that the shot is also a call back to his diner encounter with old!Ruby in TKAA honestly puts it right up there amongst my favourite shots in the shoe's entire run. SERIOUSLY. SHUT UP.

11. If the previous shot was a representation of the state of Sam's then the cracked mirror about to shatter to the ground is the Dean equivalent.

No Rest For The Wicked

1. The visual of Dean's nightmare allows us beyond the tough guy exterior Sam always comes up against. It also foreshadows what's at stake, setting the intensity for the finale showdown after an entire season of build-up.

2. Visual reminder that Sam is the quiet scary type you really gotta watch out for.

3. Girls are pretty!

6. Possibly the most iconned shot from last season.

8. So much love for this fucked up shot of Dean and Ruby torn to shreds on the floor. The angle really makes it feel like you're Sam looming over them.


Easily and definitely my favourite camera move of the episode. The clock strikes midnight and the camera pans around Dean face, moving outward at first only to move back in on the boys' expressions. Sam's BROKEN HEART and Dean's brave resolve. That wordless moment between them meant miles more to me than the actual goodbye or the death.

3.11 Mystery Spot

3.07 Fresh Blood

1. Winchesters and sketchy alleys. It's a thing.

2. The entire scene with Mercedes McNab and her blonde hair is super pretty, but this is my favourite of the favourites.

6. Both Gordon and Sam stare philosophically at their own bloody hands in this episode.

Favourite camera move? This spin around the vamp and his victim that gets halted by Dean Winchester's fist and sent back in Sam's direction.

3.01 The Magnificent Seven

2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two

2.17 Heart

2. The bloody hand revealed as the door open.


4. Classic Manners. In so tight that half of Dean's face ends up out of the frame. In the pretty way.

5. STILL FUNNY. The static centered shot as Madison encroaches on Sam's fidgety personal space.

8. This is probably the third time I've posted that cap here. At least. One of favourite favourites. OF ALL TIME.

9. Oh, oh! Maybe my favourite shot of the episode! Madison with her face split down the middle with darkness on one side and light on the other. Both a representation of her two persona's, and her dawning realization. Pun. Intended.

10. Never has the Kim Manners close-up been put to better use.

11. Deano the executioner. A full moon to the left of him, a silver bullet to the right.

I'd be a lying liar who lies if I didn't pick Sam waking up and chasing Madison to the window as my favourite camera move of the episode.

2.13 Houses of the Holy

1. Blurry blissed out Dean enjoying his magic fingers.

2. Ugh! This one! Love this action shot from so far away. I can just imagine someone innocently doing some yard work, looking out across the street only to catch a glimpse of some sketchy dudes jumpin' a fence like a couple of bad asses.

3. Dean and his angels! It's a pretty shot, but it's also hilariously silly with the cheap plastic angel.

7. My favourite ever shot of Dean driving at night. Uuugh, I love that shot so much! Kim Manners, what on earth are we gonna do with out you?

8. Sam takes Dean's canteen. A Winchester style passing of the baton when it comes to religion.

2.06 No Exit

1. This is my pick for most underrated episode with regard to prettiness. Probably because it's not very loved, or watched. But holy hell, it's pretty. This opening shot, with the victim of the week and the man in the wall SCARED ME FOR LIFE.

2. This pan in on painfully sleeping Dean as he wakes up is a favourite.

5. The camera erratically pulling back and away from behind the grate as Jo and Dean approach giving the irksome impression that something's back there. Which, of course, is Dean's cue to stick his arm inside.

7. One of my favourite caps that I don't think I've ever posted. The colours are a little wonky, but it sure is pretty in black and white.

This isn't exactly one camera move, or one shot, but I wanted to pay tribute to how gorgeous all the Jo-in-a-box stuff was. So terrifying when the hand reaches in to pet her face. And that little moment at the beginning when Jo breaks is so great.

2.04 Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

1. Love the dead girls reflection in the mirror.

2. Dean inside a circle of death. That's pretty accurate.

6. Manners really did an outstanding job of filming this grave-digging scene in a claustrophobic way that emphasized how little space the boys have in there. I don't thing anyone's ever done that better.

8. The girl with the blunt kitchen scissors in her back who OF COURSE opens her eyes.

10. The composition of this one kills me! I feel like I've been obsessed with that little camera pan from the shovels packing the dirt to the boys standing like giants in front of the swooping tree line and eerie graves FOREVER.

Of course Dean's running slide in to the grave all bad ass style gets favourite camera move of the episode. OF COURSE.

2.01 In My Time Of Dying

1. Love how full this frame is.

2. Oh, the telling exit sign.

3. There are so many shots where the focus alternates from the one realm to the other, but this is my fav. Dean with his arms crossed. Judging his father harshly, while at the same time having no idea what's really going on.

6. So endearing that instead of acknowledging and accepting the death around him, Dean attempts to hunt the legitimate reaper.

7. Such a gorgeous camera move with Dean weaving in and out of the scene as the camera spins around the room. Plus, fun to imagine Jensen running around trying to make his marks.

8. So painfully intimate.

9. I kind of love that John Winchester's last living act is literally to lay down his gun.

THIS SPIN. That pan down the hall to show Sam small and alone is so eerie and heartbreaking.

Love this shot so much. The scene stealing cup of coffee that lands perfectly. And the way the camera's positioned from so far away makes the whole thing feel uncomfortably voyeuristic.

1.22 Devil's Trap

1.12 Shadow

From so far away it looks like Dean has to walk a mile to close the gap of those last few steps between him and his dad. And Sam, left in the background all out of place and unsure.

1.11 Scarecrow

1.08 Bugs

Easily one of the most iconic shots of the entire series. And that visual of the wide open road, of the boys and their car as a tiny spec in the world, is something I think all fans treasure from the first season.

2. I know I've used the word favourite a lot in this post, but composition-wise, THIS IS ONE OF THEM.

This is really random, but ever since capping this episode I've had a huge thing for this moment where the camera starts inside the car with the boys, then pulls out through the open window and stays close in on Sam as he emerges.

1.03 Dead in the Water

* Please don't re-post this anywhere else, fully or in part.
* please don't use the altered caps for graphics.
* Original unaltered caps can be found at Bella Caps.
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