Title: The Tattooist
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: R
Length: Chaptered
Genre: AU, fluff
Warning: Underage shenanigans. Go away if this bothers you.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything apart from the story. I wish I had YunJae and if I had my way, they'd move to New Zealand so they can be MARRIED here
Summary: Nothing has ever fazed him in his life. At 29,
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Comments 97
Yunho finally let go of his control. Pretty awesome when he unleashes like that.
Thanks for the update!
you adorable boy. oh jae....
nikki, I have to stop breathing everytime I read your fics
very soon I'll definitely die from asphyxiation coz of Yunjae :)))
aweaome update. lol they drained me too
nah, i'll just go read..
(with A first! XD)
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