Title: Love in the Ice
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: R
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Non-AU, angst, fluff, romance
Disclaimer: I don't own anything apart from the story. I wish I had YunJae and if I had my way, they'd move to New Zealand so they can be civil-unionised here
Summary: A script for a new mini-series is left in Yunho’s apartment by his manager,
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Comments 121
Jaejoong is rlly under Yunho's control..
i'm dying to know what will happen after thissss.....
OMG..... what have u done to me..?? TT____TT
what should I do w/o ur updates..??
I rlly hope the MIRACLE will come everyday in the next two weeks.... ^______^
am at my work and am gonna go crazy bout this...cant read it juz now...huaaaaaaa...have mercy for me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
And YoonHo ah... You are stupid to think Jae is not loving you... Sobs.. This is painful.. I don't know if I can continue read this if the next one is more angst than this.......
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