Title: Sleeping Beauty oneshot: Healing For The Jungs...
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: R
Length: Oneshot
Genre: AU, angst, slice of life
Disclaimer: I don't own anything apart from the story. I wish I had YunJae and if I had my way, they'd move to New Zealand so they can be civil-unionised here :P
AN1: This wanted to get written instead of ch15 of
ICE and I
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Comments 108
This fic, this verse for that matter, is just beautiful. My gosh, I bawled my eyes out when you described the window with Minnie's handprints. I can totally picture how he tried to call his mama, someone, anyone to get him out of there and it just... it shatters my heart. T.T
I love how the children's dynamics are with each other. My God, Jiyool's such a big girl here. <3
and I also love how they said the exact same words they said 7 years ago in the tub. *sigh* I wanna fall in love too. T.T
Good job! I think everyone who read Forgotten got healed alongside the Jungs with this oneshot. *kudos*
P.S. OMG! married at 16 and 9 years already! wow, you're one of the lucky ones. :)
I'm speechless.
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