Title: Forsaken
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: R
Length: Chaptered
Genre: AU, supernatural
Prompt: Adopted the prompt by kpopbee and written with her permission.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything apart from the story. I wish I had YunJae and if I had my way, they'd move to New Zealand so they can be civil-unionised here :P
Summary: There is a war
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Comments 59
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And yes god I love possessive Yunho... I love dominant Yunho... I love angry Yunho... Oh man this is going to be one huge kink for me OTL
I hope I update Jejuko soon........but the muse for that is as silent as a tomb at the moment so i'm just writing whatever is being noisy... :3 Thanks for commenting!
Hehehe Jae and his demon babysitter :P Hopefully I won't take so long to update after this OTL Thanks for the comment!
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