Title: Forsaken
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: R
Length: Chaptered
Genre: AU, supernatural
Prompt: Adopted the prompt by kpopbee and written with her permission.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything apart from the story. I wish I had YunJae and if I had my way, they'd move to New Zealand so they can be civil-unionised here :P
Summary: There is a war
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Comments 59
too much of baby vibes? ^^
I guess as much that anyone who hurts Jaejoong in anyway ends up dead or badly injured.
Those girls shouldn't have called Jaejoong a slut.It's a gift that they survived.
I am just wondering who is Yunho's minion who is keeping an eye on Jaejoong. Is it Changmin or Junsu?
I cannot wait to read the next part.
How many chapter is this fic going to have?
Yeah Lucifer doesn't take too kindly to his bride being messed with... You shed his blood, he sheds yours... easy. It's more about HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY PROPERTY though lol.
Ugh those girls were gross. But I still wouldn't wish a lightning strike on them though OTL
And as I mentioned to you on Twitter, his minion is neither Min nor Su :3 And I have no clue how long this is going to be... I'm guessing 10-15 chapters at this stage.
Okay, I'm starting off on the wrong foot here with this story, but I must say I am very pleased with this chapter. ^_^ Like I said on Twitter, I don't mind smut at all (porn monster loves the smut, don't be fooled! :D) but I do enjoy the more sinister aspects of this story. I love how much emphasis you place on the fact Yunho is the devil and how evil his figure truly is considering how the Earth can't actually handle his presence. To appear during the day would chase away the sun? That is some seriously evil mojo and I LOVE IT ( ... )
That Great Pyrenees... Have you seen that video of Jae and Vick leaping out the back window as he drove? That's where I got this from. And then him getting out of the car and wrangling his dog back in. I think they were at a traffic light or something though so it was ok.
Lol, I think Yunho would want to keep an eye on his property :P Especially with the war that is brewing.......
I'm happy I surprised you my, honeybee! :P
“Yeah, I agree. He’s probably a huge slut.” yup. YUP YUP YUP.
and wait, the prince of lies? THE ULTIMATE DECEIVER? I'm willing to hang myself if this is not whochun. I mean, the man has been trying to make us believe he's part of jyj for /years/ ffs. (oh, I'm mean, so mean)
I really love how everything is cohesive, the consequences of being the devil's bride, but at the same time I'm a bit... horrified. In a good way, though :P
hmmm I want more details about the dreams~~ come on jaeslut, touch yourself in front of those hoes, give them a good sight before they ~disappear~
thanks for updating :33
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Prince of Lies is another name for the Devil aka Lucifer :P Please don't hang yourself!
I was actually a little worried that I wasn't portraying what it meant to be the Devil's bride very well but I think with everyone's comments, i'm doing ok :3
More details on the dreams? USE YOUR IMAGINATION :PPP Insert great fat devil cock into pink clenching angelic hole...
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