Review-O-Matic: Matthew Bourne's 'Swan Lake'

Jan 21, 2010 21:31

I *think* I've mentioned from time to time that I have a perchant for dance. I know I mentioned it when I talked about Torchwood 'Captain Jack Harkness' (or rather, see icon!)

Well, this is the production that started my love of dance off.

YouTube video of the Swans Dancing - Possibly NSFW )

awesome dude!, review-o-matic, squee, dance, reviews

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Comments 5

vayshti January 21 2010, 22:32:01 UTC
ou want to look at one side of the stage, but there is plenty going on at the other side of the stage too.

So, so true. But to my mind, that just gives more reason to go back and watch it all again.

Oh, and I do hope that's the Christmas show - it looks just as awesome as the rest.

And were-swans. That needs to be written. Completely.


becky_monster January 25 2010, 18:24:31 UTC
that just gives more reason to go back and watch it all again.

Indeed. Especially when it involves (possibly) male nudity - as in The Car Man! All I can remember is a lot of naked skin and towels... moving right along now!

And were-swans. That needs to be written. Completely..

All I can say is Torchwood Three and Swan Upping. My brain - it is a very silly and dangerous place.


nialla42 January 22 2010, 04:58:44 UTC
I actually have this in my Netflix queue. One day I might actually get to see it, if I can tackle all the other things I'm trying to get caught up on.

Though pretty swan boys really does give it an unfair advantage to get bumped up the list. ;)


becky_monster January 25 2010, 18:31:17 UTC
Though pretty swan boys really does give it an unfair advantage to get bumped up the list. ;)


Pretty Swan Boys, Handsome Prince type, beautiful music... what's not to love? Also - not part of a series. It's culture and it's 'artistic' too. Not that that's ever stopped anyone;)


nialla42 January 26 2010, 02:35:28 UTC
So I can claim it's a cultural experience to watch half nekkid men dancing around? I like that sort of culture. ;)


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