title: happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet
fandom: twilight
character(s)/pairing(s): leah/tanya
rating: pg13 (language)
word count: 249
prompt: judgement for the femslash100 tarot challenge (4/21)
spoilers: breaking dawn... sort of
summary: “how does it feel being a loose end?”
judgement. )
Comments 3
“How does it feel being a loose end?”
“Pretty fucking fantastic.”
I feel this way. Often.
Now the reason I read this, of course, was also because there was a threesome involved. I like threesomes. A lot. Surprise, freaking surprise.
She rests a hand on each of Alice’s knees and waits it out, giving her cool, be-jeaned flesh a reassuring squeeze and ignoring the spark of something that tingles her fingertips. Her hands are magnets, reflexively inching slightly upwards and inwards. She’ll call it gravity.
There are a number of things I enjoy about this. Namely, you used the word be-jeaned in a sentence. Also it's a poetic sort of pretty. With a side of possibly hot.
Alice adds, “I’ve just foreseen a threesome and I don’t want anyone canceling last minute.”
I don't even understand what's going on there and I love it. It's just, oh, hey, threesome. Awesome.
What happened: Alice had a prophetic vision of fun sexy times. Hilarity ensues.
Um...what? I didn't say anything. *blinks innocently*
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