Grepping Chicagoland

Jan 02, 2007 18:15

Here's what I get searching a list of Illinois towns in the vicinity of Chicago.

(Actually, I'm not "grepping," I'm using DCL "SEARCH" in VMS, with which I am more comfortable.)

Wood burbs, lake burbs, park burbs, oak burbs )

nomenclature, chicago, geography, suburbs

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Comments 8

anonymous January 3 2007, 03:58:59 UTC
What? No 'grove', 'forest', or 'lawn?'


beamjockey January 3 2007, 14:45:54 UTC
Did I forget those?

Eleven Groves, seven Forests, and only two Lawns.


"Grepping" robin_june January 3 2007, 13:34:56 UTC
Okay, I grok "grokking," but I've never met "grepping." Also my Mac Dashboard widget Dictionary/Thesaurus yields no meaning for it.

So what does "grepping" mean?


Re: "Grepping" mbumby January 3 2007, 14:19:49 UTC
It's a UNIX command to search for a string.


Re: "Grepping" beamjockey January 3 2007, 14:46:58 UTC
Someone ought to add "grep" to the Mac dictionary widget!


Re: "Grepping" armb January 5 2007, 15:31:56 UTC
From the sed command "g/rep", meaning "for all lines, that match regular expression, print", which was useful often enough to be made (faster) a command of its own.


apostle_of_eris January 3 2007, 16:01:51 UTC
What about doubles like Park Forest and Forest Park?
Is Round Lake the most appended, with Beach, Heights, and Park?

This could devolve to Way Too Much Time.
And whose "suburbs.txt" was it to begin with?


beamjockey January 3 2007, 18:53:10 UTC
I slurped the Illinois towns listed in Wikipedia's article on "Chicagoland."


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