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Comments 5

chaource October 29 2020, 15:52:34 UTC
Очень интересно сказано (emphasis mine):

...the country had never been more prosperous and equal than in present times. This meant that the well‐​established idea that economic inequality had been the cause of the social crisis was “intellectually incorrect” (ibid.: 13). Instead, Peña rightly argued, it was the perception of inequality that had changed. Thus, even if inequality had decreased in Chile, people had become more sensitive to it because the feeling that the existing inequality was legitimate had eroded (ibid.: 128-29). It was precisely this feeling of unfairness, to a large extent created by egalitarian narratives, which paved the way to the disastrous reforms of Bachelet’s second administration. In turn those reforms created additional frustration with the system by bringing the train of economic progress to a halt ( ... )


vvagr October 29 2020, 23:32:03 UTC
Интересная аналогия с дискриминацией чёрного населения в США. В момент достижения исторически максимальных уровней равенства - ощущения населения оказываются ровно обратными. Аналогия заставляет задуматься о пессимистичненьких перспективах.


chaource October 30 2020, 02:15:10 UTC
Мне так и мерещатся банальнейшие объяснения: Зажрались! С жиру бесятся!


e2pii1 October 30 2020, 16:48:23 UTC
Подозреваю, что там не "ощущения населения", а левацкие/дем.партийные пропагандисты/провокаторы мутят чтоб Трампу навредить.


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