[OOC] How's My Driving?

Mar 14, 2029 21:19

This is the all purpose HMD post for characters played by feilyn  at squarewarts and counted_stars. I know it says Sakura* on the label, but feel free to comment on any aspect of how I play any of my characters here! I will definitely reply to all comments made here (unless they're unnecessarily antagonistic), and I am all for opening a dialogue about the issues brought up.

Anon is on, IP logging is off, comment screening is off. If you would prefer to leave a screened comment, feel free to use this post here.

*I know she is not actually in a game right now, but all the links lead here and I am lazy okay 8|

Player Contact
Name: Feilyn
LJ: feilyn 
Email: x--the-writer--x@hotmail.com
AIM: xfeilynx or thestarwh0re

Character List
@ squarewarts
♥ Keri O'Callaghan (Original Character) - whilethislasts
☀ Sora (Kingdom Hearts) - key2thekingdoms  - taken from the end of KHII
♙ Tenel Ka Chume Ta' Djo (Star Wars EU) - heirtostay - Dark Journey characterisation.
♕ Leia (Star Wars EU) - youdontgotdbuns  - taken from the Enemy Lines duology
☢ Kyp Durron (Star Wars EU) sun_ofagun - taken from the Enemy Lines duology

@ counted_stars
♙ Tenel Ka Djo (Star Wars EU) - heirtostay - taken from Destiny's Way
☢ Kyp Durron (Star Wars EU) sun_ofagun - taken from the Enemy Lines duology
♞ Atton Rand (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords) - nomorecells - taken from Just Before Malachor V
❀ Lily Evans (Harry Potter) - choseherownway - taken from the summer before her Seventh Year at Hogwarts.

how's my driving?, ooc

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