Let the planets re-align a little

Aug 24, 2006 23:39

I just got a 5 for my for my first exam in CL 151. Knew it. Objective exams are really really not my thing. I'm more of an essay person, because you can bluff your way out of anything with an essay. Just sound semi-literary and have a bit of discussion and you're golden. Add a little theory and it's even better ( Read more... )

news, planetary wonderings, acads

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Comments 8

girldevil August 25 2006, 15:07:11 UTC
whoa....MIYA GOT A 5?!?!?!?! I didn't think that would be possible of you to get a grade of 5. End of the world na ba? Hehehe joke lang!

Study na kasi! You just like giving yourself a hardtime eh. Yan kasi.


ballerynna August 25 2006, 16:43:56 UTC
It's not the end of the world, expected ko naman kasi.

And I studied, pero puro dates at may match the passage to the poem pa. Ang hirap kaya


tissuepaperpoet August 25 2006, 16:15:45 UTC
hala. kay prof issy din yang 151 mo noh? :D


ballerynna August 25 2006, 16:43:16 UTC
Yup, kasi naman si Prof. Issy eh mapilit magpa-objective exam


bewitchingone August 27 2006, 01:03:33 UTC
[ding] Y!M-ed. I can't relate much since I'm stuck in Traditional High School world *sigh* but I wish you the best of luck. :]

Pluto's no longer a planet. The text book makers are going to faint. O_O


ballerynna August 27 2006, 02:40:32 UTC
That's what I thought too, now new tetbooks have to be made hehehe


bewitchingone August 28 2006, 10:09:31 UTC
They deserve it for producing such evil torture. i hate textbooks unless they're the new kind. New school things make me giddy. XD


ballerynna August 29 2006, 15:03:07 UTC
But you still gotta pity poor Pluto, being wiped out of textbooks


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