Aww, thank you so much for mentioning the RPG here! Hopefully we can grab a few more people in and start solving some cases ;) Me and Kim (the other admin, who made the board all prettyful) decided we should make a SPN RPG on whim one day, so we're pretty much playing it by ear :P If you have any ideas or suggestions just email/PM/or put it in the discussion area and we'll get on it :)
No problem! I think your site is pretty awesome. And I love making new friends, especially ones that are Supernatural fans, so I'm glad you friended me!
Hello there! This is the mod of bloom_lims imforming you that your entry for challenge 1 is due in +/- 7 hours. Remember you cannot skip this challenge. If you don't get your entry in before the deadline, you'll be automatically disqualified. Thanks. :) bloom_lims/ CHALLENGE 1
Comments 3
(Hope you don't mind that I friended you)
This is the mod of bloom_lims imforming you that your entry for challenge 1 is due in +/- 7 hours.
Remember you cannot skip this challenge. If you don't get your entry in before the deadline, you'll be automatically disqualified.
Thanks. :)
bloom_lims/ CHALLENGE 1
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