Global warming, anyone?

Nov 30, 2006 07:34

So, this week the Supreme Court heard oral argument in a suit against the Environmental Protection Agency over whether the agency should be creating regulations to deal with global warming. After a semester of environmental law, I foresee that this case will be difficult to win, especially given the discretion that federal agencies have. However ( Read more... )

politics, law

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Comments 4

tkeane002 November 30 2006, 18:12:07 UTC
Yeah, unfortunately the petitioners have pretty much no chance of winning :(


aya1081 December 1 2006, 00:46:53 UTC
i agree.


nahuelito December 1 2006, 00:28:48 UTC
did you see where scalia got the stratosphere and the troposphere confused and was corrected and then said "that's why i don't want to deal with environmental issues". michael almost blew a gasket. this is their whole job, to listen to these issues.

i don't really see why this is in court. if the epa would do their freaking job then they would get off their ass and do some regulating.


aya1081 December 1 2006, 00:46:23 UTC
yea, i did see that. god, scalia does say some asinine things. i don't think environmental law cases make it to the supreme court very often, except with standing issues, so i can see where scalia might not know the difference. but yea, it is his job (or, his clerks' job). next he's gonna get vaginas and penises confused and say "that's why i don't want to deal with abortion issues."


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