basic tools: free transformation

May 03, 2006 16:12

things like that in less than a minute with the default tools...
warning: it's addictive *g*

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tutorial: effect, basic tools, basic techniques, custom shapes

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Comments 43

g_shadowslayer May 3 2006, 14:37:20 UTC
Okay, other than the basic, BASIC stuff about transform, I didn't know any of this! How cool!!


awmp May 3 2006, 14:42:53 UTC
heee, yeah, the joy of Photoshop's hidden options ;)
there are so many possibilities and so little time *g*


roniabirk May 3 2006, 14:48:22 UTC
Wow, that's amazing. I don't that I can remember all the click options though, lol. This will take some trying out before I can get it to work for me, I am sure. Awesome.


awmp May 3 2006, 14:53:00 UTC
hee, it's the same for me, some of them which I use constantly I don't even have to think about, others (e.g. the skew activation) I have to look up every single time *g*

and the repetition of the last transformation I always get back with trial and error ;)


roniabirk May 5 2006, 15:48:53 UTC
Question: On the resize & rotate one, where did you move the center to to achieve that spiral effect? I've tried a couple of things and can't quite get it to duplicate your example. Thanks!


awmp May 6 2006, 00:23:19 UTC
for the spiral effect I move the center just vertically down and out of the original dimension of shape.
so if you look at the spiral animation, then I started with the very first shape and the center I moved to where the later center of the spiral appears to be.

(do I make sense? or do you want me to post a screensot? I'm not sure I'm explaining it well enough...)



liss07 May 3 2006, 15:03:03 UTC
I was the same as the first commenter - other than the basic functions of free transform I had no idea lol, and I've also been wanted to know how to create a custom shape for a while but hadn't looked it up yet so this is great!

Thanks for posting this, your tuts always teach me something I didn't know and I love reading them :D I also giggled when I saw the lyrics to "you spin me round round" hehe.


awmp May 3 2006, 15:16:27 UTC
glad you found something useful in it *g*

and heee, even the basic PS stuff is kinda fun, ain't it? ;)

also? yay for cheesy lyrics from the 80s. heeee.


liss07 May 3 2006, 15:36:59 UTC
I love PS, I am constantly learning new things that surprise me - and everytime I think it can't get better than this lol.

Cheesy lyrics rock ;) It made me giggle so much because one of the guys out of the band who sang it was in Celebrity Big Brother here in the UK last time it was on lol, and he was crazy in the house! I never bother watching it but I found myself tuning in for him lol.


awmp May 3 2006, 15:43:18 UTC
sometimes I'm so overwhelmed by all the functions that I just close my PS again *g*

Oy, you've had a Celebrity Big Brother? I don't we we've had one of those... of course I lost track when they started a version with a 'village' that lasted one freaking year... *shakes head* people... heee.

and actually cheesy lyrics are the onle ones that keep stuck in my mind ;)


annabelle528 May 3 2006, 15:21:56 UTC
This is so neat! And I love your animated examples!

That song will probably be stuck in my head for the rest of the day now. :)


awmp May 3 2006, 15:27:22 UTC
actually I was too lazy to explain everything in detail, so I thought animation always works for showing something ;)

yay, so my task for the day is completed ;)
*sings with you*


jubilli May 3 2006, 15:23:51 UTC
I can't wait to use this! :D


awmp May 3 2006, 15:27:51 UTC
glad you found it helpful :D


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