test your smarts @ FreeRice.com

Nov 01, 2007 00:26

"Question: What does your vocabulary skill have to do with third world hunger? Until now, not much. But thanks to the good folks at FreeRice.com, now you can help alleviate malnutrition in developing nations by simply testing your vocab skills.

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philanthropy, vocabulary, freerice

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Comments 3

anonymous November 1 2007, 14:15:13 UTC
Hi Ava,

Thanks for spreading the word -- this is a really interesting concept!



jenfer47 November 2 2007, 00:12:46 UTC
Um... 10 grains of rice don't amount to much even in the Third World; you'd have to play the game all day to get half a cup! But a single click at http://www.TheHungerSite.com generates over a cup.

You can also generate donations to your favourite charity by doing your Internet searches via http://www.goodsearch.com. Unfortunately, they use the Yahoo! search engine, which isn't as good as Google.


avad November 2 2007, 03:05:01 UTC
hey jenfer ( ... )


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