My Psyche: Oddly Deep or Just Plain Crazy?

Jan 25, 2007 01:26

Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

I’m not tagging anyone, a ( Read more... )


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Comments 26

sl_podcast January 25 2007, 01:55:35 UTC
I have a HUGE phobia of needles. So did my grandfather...


aurey09 January 25 2007, 01:59:36 UTC
I think I associate it with my parents lying to me. "No, no needles this time, now get in the car, I promise no needles." In my head it goes that way but I can't remember.


sl_podcast January 25 2007, 02:01:35 UTC
I don't know what it is.. but even just talking about it makes me queasy.... which sucks 'cuz I love House MD... but that TV show seems to LOVE showing needles... ugh.

I've fainted a couple times... thrown up... mostly I get tense and clam up.

Doesn't help that I have tiny veins that are hard to find.

Re: Fanfic... you should submit some. I love your stories.


aurey09 January 25 2007, 02:06:20 UTC
I watched the first episode of 'House' last night and I really loved it.

Awww, thanks about the fic - what sort of thing are you currently looking for.


lorelei_frolick January 25 2007, 02:04:15 UTC
I was in the Gifted program in school, and they were always giving us all kinds of tests. I always came out pretty balanced too. I'm neither right-brained nor left-brained and I'm only marginally more introverted than extroverted.

"No horror films scare me - I can feel every other emotion through fiction except fear."
Huh. So scary books don't work for you either?
How do you feel about roller coasters?


sl_podcast January 25 2007, 02:08:55 UTC
There is a part of the population that scores evenly on personality tests... even eHarmony admits that. My friend Anthony took their HUGE test for their dating site and they emailed him and said "sorry we can't match you...." for that very reason.


aurey09 January 25 2007, 02:13:49 UTC
I try and see it as a good thing, I'm really good at empathising with people. When I'm writing I find I can relate to any character.


aurey09 January 25 2007, 02:10:24 UTC
Roller coasters not scared maybe a little nauseous. I get scared of stuff in real life though illness, death and public speaking.


blueanddollsome January 25 2007, 04:47:31 UTC
#3: I'm 22, and no one bothers to card me anymore.
#5: That's a horrible nick-name. When I was small, I was nick-named Screech. Because my voice was oddly high. (it's normal now btw)


aurey09 January 25 2007, 14:39:01 UTC
I was a very emotional child. I still am really emotional - it’s difficult because I have extreme highs and lows.


needles ... ick ozma914 January 25 2007, 09:42:17 UTC
I just had this conversation about age and looks, with fatalfury. It's such a pain to look underage, but there comes a time when people are deliriously happy to be thought younger than they are. I'd rather be carded than be automatically given the senior citizen discount!


smores100 January 26 2007, 22:14:50 UTC
#3 - My sister is 29, but people always think we're the same age (I'm 23). Some even think we're (un-identical) twins. *rolls eyes* Which is pretty flattering for her, but not so much for me...? I don't know, I'm just jealous no one thinks I'm 18, lol. :P ( ... )


aurey09 January 26 2007, 22:47:44 UTC
One can be an optimist one minuet and a pessimist the next, is more like it. :-)

I'm more shy and insecure when I'm with a group of people, even if I know and like them all. I think it's because I feel whatever I say won't matter.


smores100 January 28 2007, 02:22:52 UTC
Haha, so very true. Although, I'm personally not very complex - I'm just a pessimist most of the time. (not a good thing, I know, am working on it).

I know what you mean, same here; it's like you think they won't listen to you anyway because you're not the dominant one in the group, so you just keep quiet and don't say anything, and let others do the talking. Or something like that, kinda hard to explain. *shrugs*


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