Title: To Boldly Teach Chapter: 5 Fandom: Star Trek Pairings: Kirk/Spock and others? Rating: T Notes: Combined prompt from STXI kink meme here and here
Loved seeing Spock take things in stride and Chekov joining in was fun... I truly enjoy this fic and can't help but wonder if you're getting enough appreciation for it so I'm just going to suggest posting at different sites so you can get more feedback if you haven't already of course b/c ppl are really missing out!
Aww, why thank you so much! I'm happy you're enjoying it. So long as there's somebody enjoying it, that's good enough for me. Besides, I cross post this story to fanfiction.net, so no worries. :D I hope you keep enjoying it. :3
Comments 3
Like, it's really early so please excuse my excited rambling, but omg you have me hooked! Keep it goin', bb! :DDD
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