fly by reaction 7.11

Jan 08, 2012 20:29

Where there's a will! I managed to snag a copy of the ep (*hugs* Sydney friends) and have been able to watch it earlier than I thought I would! \o/ *HAPPY JOY*

Brief reaction )

s7 episode reaction

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Comments 23

ruby_jelly January 8 2012, 12:34:58 UTC
Ha! Really? I've spent most of this evening trying to figure out how to burn it to a dvd for you. Guess I can stop now, lol!


ash48 January 8 2012, 12:41:09 UTC
Oh *HUGS* Thank you for thinking of me honey!

Getting a copy came out of the blue today. I visited friends who knew I liked the show and offer a dl of it.

I'm so sorry if you went to any trouble. I really wanted to watch it before me met up so we could talk about it. :DD

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow. <333


zebra363 January 8 2012, 12:45:41 UTC
I was sure you'd enjoy it, at least for the tying up!

Glad you got to see it before Tuesday. That much waiting can't be good for a person!


zebra363 January 8 2012, 12:51:51 UTC
BTW, I've been enjoying your magazines, and I read the "Beginning's End" comic today.


ash48 January 8 2012, 21:23:02 UTC
That much waiting WASN'T good for me, I can tell you.

I'm glad you're enjoying the mags. The comic is rather curious, but I enjoyed it. Ummm... except for the headless!Sam one. That was just plain weird.


zebra363 January 9 2012, 00:07:19 UTC
It was weird. I couldn't imagine how the reattaching process with the axe would work!

Poor Dean at the end, with everybody leaving him at once.


callistosh65 January 8 2012, 12:48:26 UTC
I loved it too - the sadness hurt, but I have to say that I like how it's very much the two of them against the world now. Frank is fun, and Mr Ackles and his professional fake smile at the end there just about broke my heart in the best way possible.


ash48 January 8 2012, 21:26:37 UTC
They seem really united even though they were separated during much of the ep.

That end smile/not!smile was heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. He's going to do everything he can to get through this, even though it hurts like hell.



ruby_jelly January 9 2012, 00:01:08 UTC
When I understood why he was attempting to smile, I really expected him to burst into tears - at least, his version: a single tear!!!! *sigh* And to then suck it back under control in fear of being caught / waking Sam! (but I guess not everyone is as melodramatic as me! lol)


ash48 January 10 2012, 06:01:11 UTC
And to then suck it back under control in fear of being caught / waking Sam!

Oh... I didn't read it like that at all. Not sure if we had chatted about this. For me it was Dean practicing his smile. He tried really hard. Not sure he was succeeding so well...;)



counteragent January 8 2012, 13:08:03 UTC
I thought the ep was "gentle" too! :D


ash48 January 8 2012, 21:27:31 UTC
Oh good... not just me then. :D


amnisias January 8 2012, 13:59:45 UTC
Gentle is just the right word. I really loved that quite, slow beginning, with few words and just that sadness and deperation hanging over them. And Dean bonding with Wee!Girl!Dean/Sam. That was very affecting, I thought. Dean trying the 'professional smile' at the end probably broke my heart for good...The only scene I kinda felt jarred a tiney bit was Dean on the crane, that had a comedy touch that I felt didn't quite fit the tone of the episode.

It makes me sad to hear you say your write-up will be 'too late' - damn that transient internet culture that makes people feel like that. All the people who's opinion is worth a penny will still be interested in what you've got to say in a few days time, trust me!


ash48 January 10 2012, 06:05:12 UTC
Hey there,

Yes to all those things. The crane moment seemed a bit forced. They may have felt they needed to lighten the ep. Which I don't think it really needed.

Yeah - I sometimes feel it's good to get reviews etc. out there while the ep is fresh in everyone mind. But... I mostly do these because I like thinking about the episode and I love to hear what others have to say.

I have written up some other stuff. I also was to make some caps so I hope to post something soon. Just got back from over east so will hopefully get back into the swing of things.



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