7.10 episode reaction and review - with pics!

Dec 04, 2011 11:46

Somewhat delayed. I ran out of time last night. Also, there's was stuff I wanted (needed!) to say.

spoilers are remembering Chuck *g* )

picspam, s7 episode reaction, not!meta

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Comments 36

debbiel66 December 4 2011, 04:01:23 UTC
I JUST finished re-watching this (like five minutes ago), this time with my husband.

The first time = massive denial.

The second time = grief. Like the real thing. Like sobbing real embarrassing tears, all snotty and goopy like Sam, and my poor husband trying to comfort me over my grief over a FRIGGIN FICTIONAL CHARACTER!

But damn, that felt real. Feels real. So sad. But such a tribute to Bobby. I miss him already.

What are our boys going to do next?


ash48 December 4 2011, 05:03:40 UTC
Oh yeah. The grief.I wish I had someone to comfort me when I watched. *sniff* It really felt like he was gone. I think it was a lovely, subtle way to see him dead (lights out) rather than just seeing him flatlining. Of course, he may still be around but I will be surprised if he is ( ... )


turquoisetumult December 4 2011, 04:18:00 UTC
UGH, this episode! I think you summed it up nicely for those of us bawling their eyes out in a corner.


ash48 December 4 2011, 05:05:25 UTC
*hands tissues* (I had some handy ;) )

Such a sad one. But so worthy of Bobby.



bythedamned December 4 2011, 04:25:07 UTC
I am ADORING the significance of Sam's hands this season. \o/

Oh absolutely. ABSOLUTELY. I honed in on that too because it was just too perfect. Because his left hand has the injury that he rubs to fend off Lucifer, and now Bobby's written the clue on his right hand. One for the past, one for the future. It's incredibly symbolic. I really really hope we at least get a shot of the two hands together, one with a scar and the other with the numbers. Oh Sam, your whole life story is written out on your palms.

Loved Bobby, love that he adopted them (retcon or no, it's all fine by me) and I looooved the banter between the boys. That that was his good memory, cuz it really is so them.

Le sigh. What a beautiful send off.


ash48 December 4 2011, 05:08:47 UTC
Oh yes. Good way of seeing it. Past and the future in his hands.

I just LOVE IT!

I forgive the retcon in this because I'm happy that Bobby did become that for the boys. Losing Bobby feels much more real than when they lost John. SImply because we know Bobby. We know the impact he had on their lives.

And it was a fabulous send off. Sad but perfect for Bobby.


galwithglasses December 4 2011, 05:51:50 UTC
Bobby! What an awesome way to have a character go out. Plus bonus Rufus. So geeky me googled the number. It comes up as a gene on the 17th chromosome of chimps. Maybe the season will end up as planet of the apes after all. I also messed around with it and tried to see what might be in the US at that latitude. It's in the northern portion and it cuts through Minnesota, Michigan, one of the Dakotas, among other places. It's cold here and we get lots of snow. Maybe leviathans like to ski. What's your guess?

The thing about the number is that Bobby missed the last number when he wrote on Sam's hand. Who knows if they meant it that way.


zebra363 December 4 2011, 06:57:50 UTC
The thing about the number is that Bobby missed the last number when he wrote on Sam's hand. Who knows if they meant it that way.

That's a great pick-up, which I completely missed! I've just added it to the Wiki entry. Do you have a Wiki username? I absolutely don't want to steal your thunder, but wanted to fix what I put in the transcript last night and didn't think I should mention your LJ username without permission.


galwithglasses December 4 2011, 22:48:58 UTC
I don't have a Wiki name. I usually just give whatever I notice to somebody else to add. Thanks for putting it there. You can put my lj username in there or put it under your name and leave me off the record, so to speak. Whatever's easier. :-)


ash48 December 4 2011, 07:22:08 UTC
WOW! Ha! Planet of the Apes. That's friggin' awesome.

He missed the last number - that's a great pick up. So Sam is missing the number 5. *headscratch* That better not be a continuity problem.

Sam will have a hard enough time working out what they mean let alone with a number missing.

Yay, a mystery.


lidoshka December 4 2011, 06:19:22 UTC
indeed, an episode full of emotion! (even though when I heard Rufus said how Bobby had to go deeper I instantly thought 'Inception!' ;D) XD and I agree with you, Dean saying 'Walk away from me. Now' was awesome, not just in Jensen's acting, but the camera angle also made it so, so dramatic!

also, who knew, that ripper that looks like Prophet!Chuck has a sense of humour (you're the only guy with a genetic bullet to the head or sth... ^^;)

but lol! DEan likes licorice... I agree with Sam: gross.

my opinion is that Bobby does die, but he sticks around.. at least for a while, to help them (he beign an honorary winchester, is safe to asume he's afflicted with the same codependency thatn the others) but I'll have to consider your otehr theories.

thanks for such a dynamic review!


ash48 December 4 2011, 07:24:58 UTC
I heard Rufus said how Bobby had to go deeper I instantly thought 'Inception'

Oh, yes. I missed that. But I think that totally works.

We know have some new canon. Dean likes licorice and Sam doesn't. :D

Yeah. I can't decide re Bobby. It just feels like a farewell to me. We shall see. But ack! We have to wait FOREVER!

And thanks. I'm glad you liked the review. :D


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