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Comments 32

werty30 November 19 2011, 11:48:48 UTC
Come to think of it, they might actually kill Bobby. TPTB said this season is Sam and Dean against the world, they only have each other. And that could mean no more Bobby... D: Dean's angst is going to reach the highest level, though. I kind of want to see that.


ash48 November 19 2011, 12:19:28 UTC
*nods* It seems like the best way to have Sam and Dean against the world. It's interesting that they've shown how reliant they are on him this season. They've also had Dean declare what he'd do if he dies. Whereas I can't really see Dean driving himself, Sam and the car off a pier but I think he's gonna do something fairly drastic.

Of course he could just be comatose - that would keep him out of he picture for a while also.

*eep* we have wait now...../o\


zebra363 November 19 2011, 12:32:10 UTC
I had so much fun with that episode! Aside from Bobby pointing out that Sam and Dean do nothing but worry about each other, my favourite moment was Sam's smile after Dean's attempted comeback to the rude waiter.

I have to admit that I'm fine with whatever happens with Bobby, because I'm here for the Sam and Dean show and everything else (except perhaps the Impala) is incidental to me!


ash48 November 19 2011, 14:04:32 UTC
So many awesome moments! Love Bobby and Sam's chat. Bobby saying that Sam's always been deep. \o/

And YES YES the boys spend so much time worrying about the other. <33

And I have to say I'm also here for the Sam and Dean show. I like other characters coming in and out. I think they really help flesh out the boys story. I'm keen to see if they are brave enough to actually kill Bobby. It would be a big move on their part I think.



tiniowien November 19 2011, 12:42:37 UTC
Man, talk about a heart-in-the-mouth cliffhanger! I adore me some Bobby and I dearly hope he's not just been bumped off (as much as it coincides with the season's current path of alienating the boys from everything they've ever loved/trusted/held close).

And if nothing else, I love when Bobby sits either one of the boys down and has a heart-to-heart. I just want to hug the gnarly old bastard.


ash48 November 20 2011, 11:59:34 UTC
That was a totally unexpected cliffy. As much as I yell BASTARDS at the screen I love being that involved. :)

And I'm so keen to see where they go from here. The need to alienate the boys (as that seems to be their plan) - they have no car, no Bobby house and no Bobby. They may decide to just have Bobby out of the picture - in a coma maybe, but it really wouldn't surprise me if they have killed him off.

When I know that for sure I will then go into mourning. :((


el1ie November 19 2011, 13:04:25 UTC
Just popping in to add how much I LOVED this episode, such a turn-around for last week.

But honestly? They've KILLED me with that ending - STONE BLOODY COLD WONDERFUL BASTARDS the lot of 'em. .BOOOOOOOBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Wasn't he just wonderful though and yes, isn't that a SPN death omen that NEEDS BREAKING and I need to stop yelling all over your journal! Hee!

No episode next week? JFC - I'm thinking of staying off the net as I'm going to be SO pissed if someone lets something through without a cut or anything. I've popped in here early as I know you're trying to stay spoiler free too, but I'm going to be avoiding everyone else's thoughts and opinions because this was just so wonderful going in totally unaware and I want that feeling for the next one too.

You know where I am if you need anything - am going to try and get those banners and things done - that will keep me busy for a while - thank god I've got those or else I'd be hairless by now..


ash48 November 20 2011, 12:04:29 UTC

I think giving Bobby such a meaty episode may well be a death omen. It's interesting though that there haven't been any whiffs about him leaving the show. There was heaps about Misha early on (nothing about him staying gone though...) but I've not picked up anything about Bobby. I mean - I stay away from spoilers so that might be why. I hope I remain unspoiled. I love that I was completely shocked by that ending.

And no. No episode. Because of Thanksgiving I believe. So we have to wait 2 WEEKS!! Arghhhhh


el1ie November 20 2011, 16:29:17 UTC
I think giving Bobby such a meaty episode may well be a death omen.

This, yes, one of those times when I wish show WAS paying attention and the death omen on such a good character episode is the total ruse and the joke's on us - now that's the kind of fan service I like. ( ... )


callistosh65 November 19 2011, 13:51:39 UTC
Man that was good! Stoner!Idiot!Dean was a joy - and yes, they did not push that too far. Some great lines in there ( Dean's twigging of what Crowley really meant by hating dick was a particular favourite), Sam worrying about Dean, a wonderful smarmy villain, bibbing(heh), and Bobby.. BOBBY.. Holy Hell, what are you doing to us Show???

Yep, one helluva ride.


ash48 November 20 2011, 12:08:03 UTC
It was very satisfying wasn't it? High!Dean was nicely handled. Jensen is good at comedy but I think sometimes the directors have to not let him go overboard. There was just the right amount of humour. And a chilled Dean is kinda nice too. :)



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