twistserve_tcg GO JOIN
player » Aru
Player: Aru
Join Date: 13.03.09
Card Count: 00182
trading buddies »
mastered » zero
[none as for now]
collecting decks »
mumble ✩ 14
rhythm ✩ 12
atonement ✩ 15
sister ✩ 11
deck ✩ 00
deck ✩ 00
episode deck ✩ yakiniku 03
future decks »
keeping decks »
trading decks »
pending/holding ✩ one
items ✩ nine
trade terms »
please read this before trading!
current & future decks → not for trade
keeping decks → just give me something nice in return
trading decks → anything goes
held cards → obviously
items → My decks are currently Fudoumine and Shitenhouji ones, so I'll gladly trade the other items to these who need them more
IF YOU TAKE BACK YOUR OFFER, DO NOT DELETE YOUR COMMENT. Edit it or reply to it, because deleting makes me confused when I reply to trades every few days.
13.03.09 - joined, received four random tennis balls and two choice tennis balls
14.03.09 - received three random tennis balls for donations; received muga10, mumble01, wisdom18, rhythm16, yakiniku09, devil07, perfect14 and wild02
16.03.09 - traded perfect14 to reinspire for mumble15; received six random tennis balls for donations
18.03.09 - traded devil07 to perimones for mumble18
22.03.09 - received atonement07, habu07, sister01, fujouri02, viking20 and Fudoumine jersey; received kansai12, king07, childofgod15 and rhythm12 for donations; traded king07 to kazeookami666 for wisdom20; traded fujouri02 to kazeookami666 for yakiniku06; received rhythm07 and muga14 from find karupin 01
28.03.09 - received fanta07 and cake17 for referring; received borp02, gay16, tango05, katsu11 and sister20 from deck update; donated cake17, childofgod15 and fanta07 to student union; received three copies of my student ID; traded katsu11 and tango05 to anneko_mc for sister05 and wisdom08
29.03.09 - traded my student id for disutansu's student id; received katsu01, ecstasy01, viking04, nabs03, dearprince12, energetic17, Fudoumine jersey, Shitenhouji jersey, Yamabuki jersey, Hyoutei jersey, SeiRu jersey and Seigaku pants from staff pay; received viking06 and a Hyoutei jersey from find karupin 02; put scoresheet in my post; traded nabs03 to kazeookami666 for mumble05; received roses20, fujouri20, perfect02 and a choice tennis ball from guess the song 01; received resolve05, mumble06, strict01, fanta20, Shitenhouji jersey, Higa jersey, Shitenhouji pants and Fudoumine jersey from mod pay
31.03.09 - traded strict01 for mumble02 in the switch01; received sister13 and wisdom12 from old rackets; traded fujouri20, roses20 and resolve05 to tifarette for mumble17, sister15 and atonement01; traded katsu01 to butterskotch for rhythm20; traded dearprince12 to czygood for mumble19, traded energetic17 to juudenkanryou for yakiniku15
05.04.09 - traded my student id for ashkachan's student id; received borp03 and two copies of my student id from mod pay; traded my student id for nerrin's student id; received smily01, megane17, limit07, platinum19, pillar19, yakiniku05 and natural09; traded limit07 to kazeookami666 to rhythm10; received katsu16, tango09 and adieu12 from guess the song 02; received lucky03 and usu01 from freebies 01; traded wild02 to nerrin for smily16
07.04.09 - traded perfect02 to reinspire for atonement19; traded megane17 to czygood for yakiniku02; traded katsu16 to butterskotch for atonement12; traded lucky03 to perimones for sister12; traded natural09 for sister08 to llamachan; traded adieu12 to disutansu for yakiniku13; traded fanta20 and platinum19 to juudenkanryou for atonement06 and habu13; received roses02 and katsu09 from pick a school 02; received strict10, roses14, Fudoumine jersey, Shitenhouji pants, date03, ecstasy10, Rokkaku pants and a random tennis ball from mod pay; updated the scoresheet
08.04.09 - received mumble03, atonement03, viking13, date16 and Higa pants for levelling up; traded katsu09 to ashkahchan for atonement09; traded gay16 to aoi_honou for ???, traded roses14 and roses19 to reinspire for rhythm14 and muga05; traded pillar19 and my student id to historeide for atonement04 and her student id
11.04.09 - traded date16 to disutansu for smily09; traded date03 and ecstasy10 to linananda for sister03 and sister16; received western15 and memories01 from data collecting 01; received gift14, scudserve09, champions01 and rainbow19; traded seigaku pants to yuzurenai for fudoumine pants; traded strict10 for smily14 in the switch; traded champions01 to juudenkanryou for feint15
12.04.09 - received voice06 and ponta15 from find karupin 04; traded voice06 to kazeookami666 for muga07;
14.04.09 - traded kansai12 to drkparadise for yakiniku07; traded tango09 to kazeookami666 for sister11; donated smily01 and smily09 to group collect 02; received date19, energetic13, Higa pants, Rikkai jersey, wisdom15, viking14, SeiRu jersey, Fudoumine jersey, south16, date09, Seigaku pants and Yamabuki jersey from mod pay
18.04.09 - traded energetic13 to drkparadise for muga09; traded memories01 to yuzurenai for atonement10; traded south16 to historeide for mumble04; traded date19 to himilka for mumble13; traded date09 to historeide for muga17; received bowling15, pressure11, gracious08, silver17, yakiniku12, date12 and cocktail14 from the update post; received atonement13, smily03 and a Rudolph jersey from data collecting 02; received perfect15, fujouri19, kansai10, cake01, Fudoumine jersey and a random tennis ball from group collect 02; received nabs19 and feint01 from pick a school 03
21.04.09 - traded bowling15, habu13, viking13 and viking20 to disutansu for mumble12, atonement11, atonement18 and rhythm15; traded silver17 to reinspire for mumble09; received bowling12 and voice17 from freebies02, traded bowling12 to juudenkanryou for rhythm06; traded nabs19 to kazeookami666 for mumble20; traded usu01 to historeide for rhythm05; received cherry17 and cafe18 from insight 03; received yakiniku18 and roses13 from find karupin 05; received endurance08, pressure05, Yamabuki pants, Shitenhouji jersey, usu20, rainbow04 and two Seigaku jerseys from mod pay; traded cherry17 and gift14 to nerrin for atonement05 and smily09, updated the scoresheet. COMPLETED A SCORESHEET
30.04.09 - traded usu20 to disutansu for rhythm11; traded date12 to historeide for atonement16; traded endurance08 to anneko_mc for rhythm13; traded roses13 to sakube_yamu for atonement17; traded voice17 to llamachan for rhythm03; received jmini09, glorious11 and champions07 from the update post; received nabs04, moonsault08, Seigaku jersey, Higa pants, south08, moonsault01, Fudoumine pants, Yamabuki jersey, sister20, devil15, Rikkai pants and Fudoumine jersey from mod pay; received borp34 and two copies of my student id from monthly bonus
05.05.09 - traded Hyoutei shirt, Higa pants, Higa shirt and Yamabuki shirt to nnoilalala for Rokkaku pants, two Rudolph pants and Fudoumine shirt; traded Yamabuki pants and Yamabuki shirt to perimones for Fudoumine pants and Fudoumine shirt; traded three Seigaku jerseys and one Seigaku pants to disutansu for Fudoumine shirt, Fudoumine pants, Shitenhouji shirt and Shitenhouji pants; traded pressure05 to ashkahchan for atonement15; traded western15 to linananda for Fudoumine pants; received fanta08, demon04, Hyoutei jersey, random tennis ball, rhythm18, music08, Seigaku jersey and Hyoutei jersey from mod pay
12.05.09 - traded demon04 to linananda for Fudoumine jersey; traded moonsault08 to aoi_honou for mumble10; traded two Rudolph jerseys to kazeookami666 for Shitenhouji jersey and Shitenhouji pants; received rhythm05, roses18, Rokkaku pants, Fudoumine jersey, king15, endurance01, Rikkai jersey, random tennis ball, tea10, gift18, Rokkaku pants and Rokkaku jersey from mod pay
17.05.09 - traded pressure11 to ashkahchan for smily06; traded fujouri19 to sakube_yamu for rhythm09; traded roses18 to drkparadise for smily04; traded champions07 and king15 to nerrin for atonement14 and rhythm08
05.06.09 - traded gift18 to czygood for rhythm01
17.06.09 - traded cake01 and nabs04 to hibimaosuki for smily15 and wisdom02; traded cocktail14 and a Hyoutei jersey to anneko_mc for smily02 and Fudoumine jersey; got spiral01, gekokujou20 and cavemen18 from update post, traded spiral01 to hibimaosuki for atonement02; traded rainbow04 to kazeookami666 for mumble11
19.06.09 - collecting overdue freebies from update posts: (7.0) puns03, volleyball14, okinawa07 and mother11 as the Oishi card; (8.0) twins09, serves07, serves10 as the card I donated, the mother's day freebie and sleepy05 as the Jirou card; (9.0) onepoint11, kindan05, myglove02 and mamushi05 as the Kaidou card; (10.0) hunter20, treasure05, jump05 and tarundoru20 as the Sanada card; (11.0) fuun03, coolprinces02, photograph20 and scenario18 as the Mizuki card; (12.0) animated06, duounion07, speedstar04, yakiniku17 as the Inui card and master16 as the Renji card
collecting overdue staff pay: roses05, pressure08, Hyoutei jersey, Rokkaku jersey, jmini18, hamburger03, Fudoumine jersey, Shitenhouji pants, hunter20, onepoint06, Seigaku jersey, Fudoumine pants, muga03, myglove01, Seigaku jersey, Fudoumine pants, hamburger20, mamushi14, Yamabuki jersey, Hyoutei jersey, pillar08, speedstar07, Hyoutei jersey, Rudolph jersey, mumble09, fujouri11, Higa jersey, Rudolph pants, date07, fuun16, random tennis ball, Fudoumine jersey, lucky14, dearprince16, Rudolph pants, Rokkaku jersey, pillar16, smile13, Rikkai jersey, Higa jersey, myglove10, east11, Fudoumine pants, Seigaku pants, scudserve15, ponta05, Seigaku jersey, Yamabuki jersey
20.06.09 - traded date07, duounion07, and myglove10 to ashkachan for sister19, wisdom03 and yakiniku10; traded fuun16 to kazeookami666 for yakiniku01; traded onepoint06 and onepoint01 to czygood for sister02 and sister06
22.06.09 - traded scenario18 to perimones for sister07; traded speedstar04 to disutansu for yakiniku11; UPDATED THE SCORESHEETS; COMPLETED TWO SCORESHEETS
24.06.09 - traded myglove01 and volleyball14 to starprincessl for wisdom07 and smily08; traded hunter20 to histoirede for smily12; received volleyball08 from synchro 12
27.06.09 - traded fuun03 and fujouri11 to nnoilalala for puns05 and puns19
28.06.09 - traded gracious08 and my id to kazeookami666 for rhythm04 and her id; received east19, okinawa13, Shitenhouji jersey, Rikkai jersey; jmini18, dance13, Shitenhouji pants and Rikkai pants; received myglove18 and animated20 from member contribution 04; received brat15, naniwa04, pool06 and minor14 from the update post
03.07.09 - traded volleyball08 to disutansu for smily18; traded two Shitenhouji pants to nerrin for two Fudoumine pants; traded dance13 to kazeookami666 for wisdom16; traded dearprince16 to anneko_mc for rhythm17; received two copies of my id and borp33 from monthly bonus
14.07.09 - traded coolprinces02 and jump05 to aoi_honou for; traded my id to perimones for her id; traded gekokujou20 and three Hyoutei jerseys to nnoilalala for smily05, Shitenhouji pants and two pairs of Fudounmine pants
28.07.09 - traded minor14 to xianaasuka for sister10; traded treasure05 to himilika for sister18; traded two Seigaku jerseys and one Seigaku pants for two Fudoumine jerseys and one Fudoumine pants to starprincessl; traded naniwa04 to drkparadise for muga19; traded a Rikkai jersey to kazeookami666 for a Shitenhouji jersey; traded ecstasy01 to anneko_mc for
I do not update these regularly, I do it when trades pile up
coding →