SPN Reverse Bang prompt 1016

Nov 29, 2012 12:31

Art prompt and one additional drawing for "The Sky was meant for Birds" by hippivickyx, as part of spn_reversebang 2012
I'm sorry for being late ^^;

Prompt title : Betrothed      Artist : artmetica      Fic Title : The Sky was meant for Birds      Author : hippivickyx      Fandom/Genre : SPN - Fantasy, action      Pairings (fic) : Dean/Castiel, slight Gabriel/Sam      Rating : PG-13      Word Count : 8,000      Warnings (art) : Arranged marriage (prompt), wings (additional)      Summary : The King of Winchester Kingdom, Dean, and his angel Adviser Castiel, are trapped in their own war as they fight against Hell’s demons in another.      Thanks to :
  • hippivickyx for thinking of new ideas, writing the fic and imagining a fascinating world :)
  • spn-reversebang mods and participants, thank you all for keeping this challenge running ^_^


This was the prompt (#1016)
I was thinking of a fantasy AU arranged marriage, where Dean and Cas don't like each other at first :p
Thanks to petite-madame for beta help X)

hippivickyx had a new idea, so scratch the prompt pic above :p She created a very imaginative world with wars and airships :D
I tried drawing a new quickie based on a free-writing she sent, hopefully it fits the final fic:

  • Digital tools:
    Autodesk Sketchbook Express, Wacom Graphire4, Adobe Photoshop CS3
  • Inspiration episodes:
  • Textures:
  • Brushes:
    My brush set

Thanks for viewing

art: fan art, pairing: dean/castiel, art: speedy, fandom: supernatural

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